SFoL:59 Anarchy [10\15] -A Dumpster Fire By Any Definition-Blue Dragon and Unpersoned Victory

i’m sorry what


now that @Ami has acknowledged my role as Lord King Of The Wastes, we must proceed with our business at this juncture.

does any peasant have a dispute they wish to be resolved by a high being as a tyranicjudiciant

i demand a government position

My dispute is wanting a class card

was that crossed out text in violation of my decree?

you’ll never take me alive

only dead jumps out window

I demand a special rank that is lower in prestige than all other peasants

DECREE 2) From henceforth, all peasants have the right to request a new signifactory artifact from the royal judiciary.


the holy sword of knight slaying

DECREE 3) N.1 is a nerd.



it looks like he isn’t but it really feels like he swaps fonts when the text gets bigger

there is an obvious addendum to this decree, but quite frankly even the most screamaddled peasant could figure out what it is

Arete is also a nerd?

basic comprehension will not save you from voidrespite at that hands of my executioners

Arete is a nerd who also got forced to speak in all caps

but you know what will?
my fucking gun


DECREE 4) All officially appointed executioners are immune to death by any device that could be construed to be a gun.


then obviously the only solution is to steal their weapons

their weapons are guns you brainsmaller