SFoL:59 Anarchy [10\15] -A Dumpster Fire By Any Definition-Blue Dragon and Unpersoned Victory

Unpersons were never alive, they have never been alive


Couldā€™ve sworn there were 18 people to startā€¦ must have been a figment of my imagination started by lack of class card

I think youā€™re becoming delusional
have you tried drinking water

Maybe I wouldnā€™t be delusional with a class card

hark. donā€™t drink water. instead, drink victory hydration, the party-approved substitute

How are you this fine day?

Iā€™m not that ā€œBraxienā€, iā€™m Braixen.

you mean

Enslaved Moistureā„¢

Sorry if you misunderstood comrade.

Are you implying that the party made an error?

No, the party never makes an error. There is no such thing as an ā€œerrorā€

I think they were

ā€œerrorsā€ are the ideals of the Filthy Brotherhood!

i will give you one, then. go ahead.

sightshunner support

redglared (day) - each day, you may choose a player. if they have defied the lord king of the wastes or the principles of ingsoc, they will be unpersoned. as such, this ability does nothing. - infinite uses.

unleashtring (day) - each day, you may unleash a playerā€™s rage. - infinite uses.

you win when the will of fate is finished.

The brotherhood was such a joke
Conversion with no cooldown
wtf is that

Braixen has never existed, anybody saying otherwise is a clear liar and shall be unpersoned

Big Brother is watching

Comrades, Comradesā€¦ Hear me out.
What if we made the filthy brotherhood stop existing?

If they did exist which they dont, they prob would be a commie