SFoL:59 Anarchy [10\15] -A Dumpster Fire By Any Definition-Blue Dragon and Unpersoned Victory

who said ami was on it

u aimed at me, we had the same pfp

Stop hacking my dad works for Nintendo

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Sorry, you all look so similar

Let’s make an Ami-less chat where we just give rolecard a and Ami won’t know


If amelia actually hydras with me, I demand the hydra be called Italia

We can make a chat withought Ami where Geyde is the new host

I actually kind of want to hydra with italy just to see the fuckery that arises from it

I’m going to talk in big text all game

image best i could do

My goal is to get Ami to kill me as fast as possible

give me him saying he wants to join

i dont got a recording, he will post prob like tomorrow, just want to reserve him a spot so it dont fill without him

why did you censor your own discord lmao

ok then

As its my full name


wait ur name isnt Dat Bird?


No its DatBird cant u read

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