whenever someone tries to replace out, ami should just reply with
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the perspective looks exactly the same. it seems like the spectators dont know any more than you do
God damn it Ami
time for anarcho monarchism
ami isnt even here lol
why are we even holding a vote
this is an anarchy not a democracy
i’m VOwOting fOwOr Specs tOwO Win becaUwUse I dOwOn’t beleive in handOwOUwUts. OwOnly COwOmmies pick all players win.
Actually let’s make arete unkillable so marshal is guaranteed to lose
/modkill Marshal
not a c0w0nist just a little maybe
- everyone except this person wins
- “everyone except this person wins” but a dumber choice
0 voters
filthy capitalist
we’re going to build a wall to keep the capitalists out
and we’re gonna make east berlin pay for it
I need to know my flip
you mean west berlin
socdems have no right to say that
im not a socdem lol
im barely a dem soc
closer to pure soc