SFoL 60 Dead Chat

i saw my toolkit and went
“this could be the first NK win in a FoL”
then got mechanically fucked

yeah it’s a powerful nk toolkit ngl
fun fact: in the first rand i was the shittiest demon ever but i got reranded
i think outing this is fine because it doesn’t impact the game at all

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puny inferior demon

mindstorm + funeral pyre
occupy + red immunity
bleed immunity
death immunity
i can target king with walking bomb (thank fuck)
i only had two detonates but that wouldn’t stop me

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i’m super angry that gossip doesn’t see failed occupies though

same i thought it worked differently

wait am i allowed to like posts in deadchat while i’m alive

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noble in ToL sees the occupy immunity message
be like noble in ToL
see the occupy message even if they’re immune

this game has somehow been a repeat of NFoL4 in terms of mechanical fuckery

absolutely insane and literally just murphy’s law packed into game form

also, you know
somebody claims to have been linked i’m pretty sure

why would you force people to witness such a horror in the flavor

yeah somebody does claim to have been linked

most people don’t witness a catgirl
but they say that those who do are scarred for life


you know vulgard, for the small price of YOUR MORTAL SOUL i could eradicate the unseen for you :eyes:

also arete says hi

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hi arete

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i’m a demon
making deals is what i do

perhaps we can reach a compromise
what about the soul of one of your close friends

honestly you’re kind of fucked here though

you just took out the only balancing factor that could keep the unseen in check on day 2
you probably think that’s a good thing but remember they have two masterminds, a convert every two nights and a stabby dagger