SFoL 60 Dead Chat

make sure to tell arete that i said they’re a nerd

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In a way I’m kinda glad im dead. I was convinced I’d be killed.

However I think our friend Vulgard might be. Lets see.

To Vulgard: Ici is the convert.

SoGMan wasn’t occed, he was successfully swapped. Poor Ici has no idea Vulgard is priest.

So nobody is claiming the successful swap.



If nobody is claiming the Swap, that means:

Ici is the convert, and he’s covering for SogMan. Holy shit easy game.

If it saw occupy immunity, you’d still be fucked Italy. You were damned either way.

Here’s the Question:

Does SogMan bus his MM, Kyo? He claimed a check on him N1.

How exactly would I be damned?

The reason you caught is because you were assumed occupy immune, something your class claim shouldn’t have.

A noble gossiping you “Your target was attempted to be occupied, but is immune” is just a spicier way to get to the same conclusion.

noble doesn’t get exact results in fol what

they would’ve just seen occupy

What result do you want noble to get? That you were successfully occupied? You weren’t.

You occupied your target last night.

Noble shouldn’t be getting fake results.

Working as intended.

But that’s fake results

it never says the occupy went through
it just says that you used it on them

The REAL solution is to not get Gossiped-then-occupied N1 :stuck_out_tongue: