SFoL 60 - Signups (18/18) - FULL

Hey thanks @clonedcheese. I wouldn’t mind playing.

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The OP has been slightly reworded.


This is only a rewording to better clarify something, and nothing has changed.

took me a while to figure out how the hell to speak english there

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its okay i still love you

id have messed up the OP if i wrote it too, thats a lot of words :sob:

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Do I need a magnifying glass now?

@CRichard564 I have replaced you into clonedcheese’s slot

Hey thanks Chloe.

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do you want to be a backup instead?

@clonedcheese you can always be a backup in case anyone has a real life situation that stops them playing this game.

the flavor should be a random word generator and you can fight me

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/give slot to Richard (although it’s already done)
/in as backup



I know Danny exited because he always wanted to play ToL and now he can play a version of it.

Am I saying the word right?

Like Super Happy

excited I think

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google agrees


that’s value
protect locktown

physician with bear + self care

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randomize into grand trial as non king so then you get forced to self target as it so you can self grand trial and ate to confirm yourself as town

Flavor for day 1:

A mafia is a type of organized crime syndicate whose primary activities are protection racketeering, arbitrating disputes between criminals, and brokering and enforcing illegal agreements and transactions. Mafias often engage in secondary activities such as gambling, loan sharking, drug-trafficking, prostitution, and fraud.
The term “Mafia” was originally applied only to the Sicilian Mafia and originates in Sicily, but it has since expanded to encompass other organizations of similar methods and purpose, e.g., “the Russian Mafia” or “the Japanese Mafia”. The term is applied informally by the press and public; the criminal organizations themselves have their own terms .
When used alone and without any qualifier, “Mafia” or “the Mafia” typically refers to either the Sicilian Mafia or the Italian-American Mafia and sometimes Italian organized crime in general .
The word mafia derives from the Sicilian adjective mafiusu, which, roughly translated, means “swagger”, but can also be translated as “boldness” or “bravado”. In reference to a man, mafiusu in 19th century Sicily signified “fearless”, “enterprising”, and “proud”, according to scholar Diego Gambetta. In reference to a woman, however, the feminine-form adjective mafiusa means ‘beautiful’ or ‘attractive’.
Because Sicily was once an Islamic emirate from 831 to 1072, mafia may have come to Sicilian through Arabic, though the word’s origins are uncertain. Possible Arabic roots of the word include:
ma’afi exempted. In Islamic law, Jizya, is the yearly tax imposed on non-Muslims residing in Muslim lands. And people who pay it are “exempted” from prosecution.
màha quarry, cave; especially the mafie, the caves in the region of Marsala, which acted as hiding places for persecuted Muslims and later served other types of refugees, in particular Giuseppe Garibaldi’s “Redshirts” after their embarkment on Sicily in 1860 in the struggle for Italian unification.
mahyas aggressive boasting, bragging
mu’afa safety, protection
mafyá, meaning “place of shade”. The word “shade” meaning refuge or derived from refuge. After the Normans destroyed the Saracen rule in Sicily in the eleventh century, Sicily became feudalistic. Most Arab smallholders became serfs on new estates, with some escaping to “the Mafia.” It became a secret refuge.
The public’s association of the word with the criminal secret society was perhaps inspired by the 1863 play ‘’ by Giuseppe Rizzotto and Gaspare Mosca. The words mafia and mafiusi are never mentioned in the play. The play is about a Palermo prison gang with traits similar to the Mafia: a boss, an initiation ritual, and talk of “umirtà” and “pizzu” . The play had great success throughout Italy. Soon after, the use of the term “mafia” began appearing in the Italian state’s early reports on the phenomenon. The word made its first official appearance in 1865 in a report by the prefect of Palermo .
The term “mafia” was never officially used by Sicilian mafiosi, who prefer to refer to their organization as “Cosa Nostra”. Nevertheless, it is typically by comparison to the groups and families that comprise the Sicilian Mafia that other criminal groups are given the label. Giovanni Falcone, an anti-Mafia judge murdered by the Sicilian Mafia in 1992, objected to the conflation of the term “Mafia” with organized crime in general:
Mafias as private protection firms
Scholars such as Diego Gambetta and Leopoldo Franchetti have characterized the Sicilian Mafia as a “cartel of private protection firms”, whose primary business is protection racketeering: they use their fearsome reputation for violence to deter people from swindling, robbing, or competing with those who pay them for protection. For many businessmen in Sicily, they provide an essential service when they cannot rely on the police and judiciary to enforce their contracts and protect their properties from thieves . Scholars have observed that many other societies around the world have criminal organizations of their own that provide essentially the same protection service through similar methods.
For instance, in Russia after the collapse of Communism, the state security system had all but collapsed, forcing businessmen to hire criminal gangs to enforce their contracts and protect their properties from thieves. These gangs are popularly called “the Russian Mafia” by foreigners, but they prefer to go by the term krysha.
In his analysis of the Sicilian Mafia, Gambetta provided the following hypothetical scenario to illustrate the Mafia’s function in the Sicilian economy. Suppose a grocer wants to buy meat from a butcher without paying sales tax to the government. Because this is a black market deal, neither party can take the other to court if the other cheats. The grocer is afraid that the butcher will sell him rotten meat. The butcher is afraid that the grocer will not pay him. If the butcher and the grocer can’t get over their mistrust and refuse to trade, they would both miss out on an opportunity for profit. Their solution is to ask the local mafioso to oversee the transaction, in exchange for a fee proportional to the value of the transaction but below the legal tax. If the butcher cheats the grocer by selling rotten meat, the mafioso will punish the butcher. If the grocer cheats the butcher by not paying on time and in full, the mafioso will punish the grocer. Punishment might take the form of a violent assault or vandalism against property. The grocer and the butcher both fear the mafioso, so each honors their side of the bargain. All three parties profit.

courtesy of essaytyper.com