SFoL 60 - Signups (18/18) - FULL

Wrong thread

See, clear bias. Poor Cult – I might need to actually read that game.


Meant as a reply to the shit
Definitely this thread content

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Also there were some ridiculous post restrictions that game

You know I kind of expected ans to react to this


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Mandatory postcount PR for each and every game when.
I honestly feel like PRs can be pretty fun after Evolution.

That thing was a bitch

did you like my PR?

Mandatory hippolytus PR

I liked the fact that you decided to fake it to test your theory, I did not like you healing Arete on that final night.
What I like even less is the fact that I’m spamming a signup thread right now.

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okay but i narrowed down the nightkill PoE to 2 people and then healed the one i scumread more

because im fucking stupid dumb

good point


Thus we move to the balance thread for virtuous triple threat :sunglasses:

there was also a neut who joined a faction mid-game depending on who killed this other neut
that neut joined the cult
then i nightkilled them

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your list does NOT contain any non-Blue Dragon players


they weren’t a neutral

they were starting BD, if i died then they are converted to the faction of my killer

and the cult strongmanned me :sunglasses:

if you kept them alive i would have technically won :sob:


Sorry Katze. Those losses suck.

We are going to begin distributing classcards. If you have questions regarding the match, please ask in your classcard.

If you would like to /out, /spec, /backup, or vcbot, please add me and send me a DM on Discord (Chloe#4965) - or alternatively, PM me on the Forums.

The game will begin on 2020-04-25T17:00:00Z

Any tweaks to the setup or announcements regarding the roster will be sent in this thread.


an_gorta_pratai has joined as a backup.