SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

he played like this in tos 2 100% on purpose because he was trying to get a strong villager lynched

If I suspected Marshal was Exe, Iā€™d have been calling him to be lynched until EoD.

and yes you read it correctly. I went after Marshal regarding his age because it would hurt him the most.

why were you going for an ad hominem attack day 1
what was it supposed to accomplish

So I told Marshal the truth via dead chat why I insulted him regarding his age in ToS 2.

I was angry and decided he needed to be spanked. Thatā€™s why i called him a stupid kid who should be lynched.

Even when angry, I can still think clearly.

i will never encourage ad hominem attacks because all they do is devolve the game into a cesspool of toxicity
nobody likes them
if anything they make you a likely vig target regardless of alignment just because people donā€™t want you to stay in the game


If anything, it was to tell Marshal do not pick on me again.

or lynch target
spite lynches

( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


I see your point Vulgard. That shouldnā€™t have happened and I regret doing my part there.

@Marshal want to read the truth about why I went after you in ToS 2 D1?

Yet it is only with the truth that people can forgive.

bruh nooooo

damn, anstreim is an asset to have on your team regardless of alignment it seems
either he busses you day 1 as scum or he asks important questions as town


one of those is not like the others

Iā€™m still salty

Better question is why heā€™s sticking with the apostle claim :eyes:

what was your wincon again
iā€™ll be honest i couldnā€™t be arsed to read all the classcards