SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

6 town and 4 scum at this point. So a mislynch would bring it down to 5 v 4.

And both scum have double kills in the case of a mislynch

They donā€™t suspect Ans of being MM.
This is too funny.

the thing is
it should be relatively easy for them to find deepwolves now
there are literally only 3 people alive who qualify, if we exclude nappy (and we should, because heā€™s been less dominant than the others)
in that order

literally any of those lynches is good rn because they are all scum
town just needs to progress from ā€œthereā€™s a deepwolfā€ to ā€œletā€™s lynch oneā€

the ā€œwolves in towncoreā€ meme has reached new heights this game


Ans called himself a dissapointmemnt in scumchat

so I was typing to say that he was not

and then him and arete were both like ā€œOH FUCK WE JUST GOT COURT SPIED DIDNā€™T WEā€



Scum can get a mislynch on Gorta with 4 votes.

in this situation all preconceptions should be broken down because clearly town is on the verge of losing

Also gorta lost his chance of proving himself with paradox unless he blocks a jail which is lol
if I ever run this again I might have to consider this mech fuckery

the thing is
i can say that all i want
but itā€™s so much easier to do this and realize this when youā€™re not in the game
orange is right
being in the game influences your perception
the ability to stay unbiased is extremely good to have but also extremely rare

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itā€™s something iā€™m working on actually
making towncores is good but reevaluating based on everything that happens is better

this is basically LyLo

people need to re-eval hard


dey wonā€™t

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Seth probably knows Arete is convert turned to Assassin after reading the thread.

i donā€™t think thereā€™s anyone left alive (who isnā€™t scum) that would take the effort to re-eval here

we keep talking about ans but seth is surprisingly deep too
amelia, i think ans asked you this question while i was alive. if senex flips, do we learn what their wincon was?

Anyway Katze is onto Ans. Only question is will they believe her?

If a Senex flips, their wincon is revealed

Fuck ye pog

Arete is Assassin Derps.

Another mislynch should see the wolves rule the court.