SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

mode openwolfed in allies

Everyone in allies openwolfed
Was pretty alpha tbh

This night?

Yup, itā€™s impossible then. If anyone but katze were jailed, and scum, and executed tonight, then thereā€™s a slim possibility. But not like this.

Damn, rand was super scumsided. 2 groupscum, nk, two anti-town neuts, and the highest-volume / influence players randed scum. This was a dumpster fire in the making from the beginning.

I couldā€™ve played better, but Iā€™ve learned my lesson. I work best independently.

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Excuse me while I facepalm myself. Intensify you had one job, one job!

If Iā€™m going to lose, Iā€™ll take an NK win here.

forgot to leave log

who scum

AHHHH DAMMIT, GOD DAMMITā€¦ ugh I am very sorry, I screwed up way too many times.

we all fucked up :frowning:

seth bad senex
ans assa
aroot sage
kat arbiter

Why did I trust Kat, I wonder myselfā€¦


bruh x2

Amelia and I didnā€™t

no moderrors so far :sunglasses:

that we know of

who mm?

Hmmm so Gorta is MM right?

HUH NAPPY Openwolfed??? WHAT

Currently there is no Mastermind