SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

Oh so apparently Seth has openwolfed as town before, I guess I’m not the first

You can always change your pfp Intensify. Something anime inspired would do.

Hmmm ok, but how come everyone kept changing their pfp every 2 hours?

I have no idea.

Hold up really, that quick?

We’re probably going to see NK win this. Nice work Intensify or should I say lack of it?

Damn, Unseen is actually going to win, I was rooting for NK if cult couldn’t win

I’m fine with NK winning actually, cause we can’t win this

I wonder what my flavour text would have been if I was lynched… hmmm

By the way, is there always flavor text like this? Cause it’s something that I would thoroughly enjoy on these forums

This sure is a game.

We probably are going to see Arbiter win this.

Is there any source of Cult KP still alive?

No TBE is Deacon, Gorta is Witcher and Nappy is GK. Gorta is certainly dying tonight which makes it at least 2 town vs 3 scum.

The correct play for Unseen here is to not kill anyone. Katze wins by default if Unseen kill someone and katze does (and both kills succeed, and both are on different people).

Katze is going to kill Gorta that’s for sure.

I mean if Katze wins this game, so be it. If I’m going to lose this game, I’d take the NK win.

@Amelia and @Marshal who are Katze and Arete going to kill?