SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat


he knew that it was a reactiontest and still failed the RT hard

ā€¦Unseen rn.

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if you think about it, ans got a new ally of sorts in mode

I have no idea WHY mode checked ans
But it worked?

Yeah, the rand hereā€™s kind of wolf-sided with Mode and Derps rolling NEs.

Derps bleeds out tonight if gorta or mode donā€™t heal him
But he already blocked the SF so :eyes:

Who bled Derps?

Italy did

mfw both Maulers succeeded at doing things

Oh, two Hunters.

Also I actually thought mode was a Mystic or Priest, tbh. I didnā€™t expect him to be that kind of self-resolving.

Self resolving
But evil

but now we know he actually can imitate his town meta as lost wolf

Wait, does the Guardian know whoā€™s groupscum?

Guardian doesnā€™t know whoā€™s evil


So he guessed who was Unseen and got both results right?

wait when did derps do this

He claimed to be a Merc of Anstreim and CRich, both Unseen.

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Oh thatā€™s funny
also derps stonewalled the SF target