SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

n1: convert kat (neut)
n2: convert derps (neut)
n3: convert arete (success)

ans has now dirty worked and he is now assa while arete is sage

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Cheese is attempting to deb ans to katze
Meaning he and intensify will probs die

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and gorta just tried to use a day ability on arete :^)

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So basically
This is almost always an Unseen win if katze is exed
If katze survives then it depends on what happens Day 5

katze isn’t surviving though :frowning:

Is Ans 2f1’ing?

intensify and cheez

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I think Arete is using wall of fire on intensify.

And intensify is getting wall of fired

that would be correct

So, the theory about Mode not revealing because he checked someone was correct?

He found Ans as Unseen. Seth is scum siding Senex.

yes it was

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3 town vs 3 scum. They can’t vote anyone out.

Cult never wins

i’m not sure why they didn’t force mode to reveal
could have easily caught a scum-sided senex

Technically grand ritual
But then unseen stabs and puts it back into parity

nap is out of guards right?

Anyway, I should sleep.

Nappy has 1 more guard

Nappy is probably guarding himself as he is counting on Gorta to save Intensify.