SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

to be fair, wolves are leading the discussion and it’s kind of a problem
villas aren’t stepping up

I think what makes this easier is the fact that Ans and katze are both alone rn

Crich failing the RT when given hours to prepare

Ans trying to convert me

Mode not healing me

triple bruh moment tbh

How hard does one need to soft neut?

While I know he isn’t technically wrong clearing someone for bleeding a NE is ehh

Imagine fucking yourself so hard as vessel claiming vessel dosent save you


Calling it right now. Kat Sword of Damocles Intensify and he gets lynched on 4 votes.

Currently kat pre queued it on gorta

Has Ans said anything about who they wanna concert tonight


Autocorrect ree

Vessels are technically self-resolving, tho. If a Vessel fakeclaims then the real one can just kill them with no drawbacks.

Scum pull a pro gamer move and push lynch onto them

Katze can easily change it to Intensify if he ever gets to L-2.

Also surprising how Seth managed to repurpose his anti-town town meta into a wolf one.

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Seth is quite a capable player from my games with him so far.

Intensify is just lolcatting at this point


I don’t understand


Has Katze moved their sword to Intensify?

I’m going to laugh so hard if Intensify is lynched on 4 votes before EoD.

no they didn’t