SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

a little pissed @ intensify for saying to put Gaja on the re-inned list when Gaja wasn’t actually going to play

yah ig

some newbies are promising but then there are people who /in and then make like 3 posts or just don’t ever open the forums again

sometimes I can kinda get that when it’s a 20+ person mash

but it’s their fault for joining a 20+ person mash if they can’t keep up

I made sure to join a 10p vanilla my first game because I knew it would be easy to keep up and understand

Well, Anstreim’s probably never going to get towncred after a wolf lynch after this game is done.

i’m not sure if ans is ever playing FM after this game is done

Imagine getting it right but not realizing


Did I actually sleep for 12 hours just now? I guess I needed that.

Anstreim and Vul are playing really well here, I’m glad to see that. Sorry for being useless this match, I think I’ll just out next time if I become this incapable of playing

Intensity was the vessel


Hi Appel. Sorry I betrayed you.

Derps I should have known you weren’t town.

@CRichard564 do not speak in this chat again until you have left unseen chat. If you do not comply your slot will be modkilled post-mortem.

Ok it’s done.

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Damn, Vulgard just got in and they killed him. Rough.

At least he had a day to play the game :^)

Being subbed in and dying the same night. Feels bad man.