SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


I’m still curious why your read on TBE changed, since you had them as your top townread earlier

I’m kinda skeptical that I have too many townreads and I’m just like, I probably should have that many TRs.

Idk I think I guess tossed a name in nullzone.

The readlist kinda sucks tho tbh

I could claim it’s an FPS but it isn’t really

You thought I was FPSing you, but I wasn’t. LOL get FPSed


see like

I get that

but also that’s what I thought last game

…I guess last game I was misclearing the NK, but both normal scum were in my PoE

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looks at my read list

why is everybody a villager


Arete, what are your current thoughts on CRichard/SDA?
Iirc you elaborated on SDA a little bit above, but if you could go more in-depth into it.

Also, what do you think of the current threadstate?

Oh and last question to all of you:
If there was D1 lynch, who would you be voting today?

earlier, crichard
then derps cause lolmerc

right now… cheese?

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Do you think we could afford to lynch SDA even if he’s actually a Neutral today?
I think it would be -EV for us but at the same time, there are a lot of people in nulls so I guess that would be a ‘safer’ trial.

my problem is like

half of the people i don’t townread have done next to no posting

intensify has 4, gaja has 0, gorta has 8, alice has 21, cheese has 38

the only two people there who arent lowposters are crichard and derps and im reconsidering my read on both of them to an extent

and i don’t want to believe all the wolves have posted 38 times or less


it’d be -EV

uuhhh idk i feel like i wanna kill Alice

But man, I just reread CRich and his tone did change.

i almost said alice but i knew ans would yell at me

I wouldn’t really ‘yell’ at you since I want more from her as well, but at the same time I do think that even if we had D1 lynch she would never be the first pick.

my PoE is full of LHF, lowposters, and Alice

this is identical to my PoE last game

who am i misclearing


I don’t like Alice’s introduction a lot.

Granted I didn’t like Arete atfirst either

BTw, I consider all her posts to be intro

Jane’s Explicitly NAI , slightly rushed, Gamerᵀᴹ wallpost.



L o C k T o W n

This isn’t really because of mechanics, they’ve just proven that they cannot imitate their town tone across two games (Insurgency and SFoL 61), so here they’re an obvious villager.

Besides, this doesn’t really feel like a post wolf!Seth would make.


They’ve actively expressed that they can’t really get goods reads D1, and I like that they’re trying to promote discussion to compensate for that.

I don’t think the attempts to read are inherently AI for them, but I think the reasoning is good so

Overall, questions feel genuine and I’m pretty sure they’re actually trying to solve the game.
This isn’t one my best-worded reads but I technically just woke up so I’ll blame it on that.
I don’t think it’s that hard to fake as a wolf though, which makes me slightly paranoid.


This post is just completely pointless. It doesn’t add anything to the discussion, it doesn’t promote discussion, it doesn’t help us in any way. IMO, they just posted it for the sake of posting something.

I think this is a terrible reaction.
First of all, the stage of the game shouldn’t even matter, they should know that’s it’s fake if they’re Cult. Furthermore, it’s also mechanically impossible unless they were exactly Senex (I think).

But like… I don’t agree with this. Last game, their tone was wholly different than it is currently.

But then it just like… stops?

I did still think they could be a wolf who stopped to fix their tone because a lot of people pointed it out, though. So… after interacting with them for a bit, I decide to re-evaluate.


After re-evaluation, they’re a slight townread but I still have homework to do so I should probably explain that overnight.



Like I’ve already said, I believe Italy is misreading them because of their anti-town play. I kinda hate that that was a sentence that I had to write, but I really want to try hard this game.

“Derps is trying this time so they’re town.”

But seriously, their thoughts feel natural and their tone is towny. Also they’re calling Italy dense which is town AI since they normally like them.
That’s all I can really say about this, I can’t go in-depth about posts that are designed to be shallow.


“Italy is posting so they’re town.”

On a slightly more serious note:

They also had the whole “Let Derps bleed out thing” and the “solving me” thing but I don’t feel like quoting those as I can just describe them easily.

I do still think they’re wrong about Derps, but at least their reads feel genuine?
Well, about Derps not being town, I mean. I do agree Derps is playing anti-town, as is his meta.
Like, it seemed like he believed Derps being a wolf so much he was scumreading me for defending scum. Also, it seems like they actually read the games I linked, so that’s a good look.



This is one of my weakest townleans (mostly because of his lack of posts, but I digress), but I do feel like these posts come from a village perspective, especially since they’re relatively inexperienced as either alignment.



They’re King, I don’t feel like reading them yet as it won’t even matter anyway. Most of this is to spite them for pinging me (and everybody else, for that matter) while I was asleep to ask for a read on them. This doesn’t mean that I don’t have a read on them, just that I’m not actively trying to get one.





Intensify popping in, giving a weak excuse and then dipping is definitely not a good look.



I get that there is some context, but this being their first post is very :eyes:. I don’t remember them memeing/joking a lot in SFoL 61 among other reasons.

Meh. I disagree here but I’m pretty sure having a different opinion isn’t AI.

This feel ingenuine. Especially since they later claim to not have a read on them yet. Also an interaction with more than 2 people can’t be W/W here.

This also feels fake since they can’t talk about mechanics again for obvious reasons.

Feels like a bad comparison since last game we didn’t have people who were actively being wolfy.

This post makes me think they were just defending them for the sake of defending someone. Like, I don’t think they’d bother defending someone they didn’t actively V-read. I also don’t feel like they were really that aggressive? Just… off.

memeing again.

Again, nobody was really actively being scummy.

Why does this feel like something a scum bleeder would say?

Feels slightly TMI-ish?

I cherry-picked a lot because I don’t feel good about not having at least a scumlean with this much content and also for postgame cred so I wouldn’t take this super seriously. I do think they were kinda wolfy though, and I don’t really get why people are townreading them? They feel different from the previous game.

I should probably go do IRL stuff first now as I spent entirely too long on this abomination. I’ll work them out more overnight but /shrug. Also kat/Arete/Anstreim aren’t here since then I’d probably have spent my entire day on this. Probably going to pass out while doing homework but eh.

Appelsiini was fine and NAI for me but the latter part was blegh

GTH i wanna say appel

last game i hard read them as town and this game im like “eh” on them

jane is also less towny this game than they were last game but they also self resolved n1 last game

i might be giving italy too much credit? but idk he actually seems like he wants to play the game thats a good start

i dont actually know why i townread arete but theyre also the 2nd lowest person on that list

I regret everything.