SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

wow it’s really weird how there’s a quote, and it’s a real quote, but the thread it’s attached to doesn’t exist

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Oh yeah, that post was also a thing.
I’m not really sure if he’d cast suspicion on himself like this? I’d expect him to play it off as a joke but he didn’t do that either.


yeah thats a thing that can happen

let me show you

quotes my classcard

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why u say that

If he was either a neut or town*

FWIW I think rescinding the neut claim once bled is a thing he does regardless of his alignment (since it’s +EV for any alignment to try to get healed there, and no one is going to heal a neut)



can you do me a favor

can you draw me a graph to show me your progression on my slot this game

there’s a reason for this

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The major reason I don’t think he’s neutral because I never believed him

your name isnt napoleon

but why was i so high at the start :thinking:

the y axis is question marks

the joke is that I don’t have any clue what you are

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i can do jokes


this is my response to your joke arete

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why did you post a picture of me in the game thread

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I’ve been catching up on 700 posts so far.
So far Derps is still in my PoE because of his Mercenary claim and retraction. The only way I trust his slot is from his flip, unless he can be mechanically confirmed.
Intensify has shown up. His entrance didn’t stand out to me for any reason so he goes into the PoE.
Gaja is slanking again therefore still a null read.
Alice’s lack of activity is starting to make me concerned on her slot. It could be real life though her disappearance from this thread is making me reconsider my read on her slot.

lmao you actually did it

something something fps

I dont think activity reads are that AI of Alice

Why not?