SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

I think it’s obvious what claim I’m softing here at this point.


im not sure I like what’s going on

i forgot if it was ans or anyone else
but someone said revealing info this early kills discussion
and i don’t think ans would do it themselves
so im not sure if I’m inclined to believe ans’s claim at face value


oh fuck

I told him to.

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We discussed it in Allies and weighed pros/cons of it.
I told Nappy that CRichard’s entrance didn’t sit well with me – and while the decision to out it so early was largely mine, we considered it as well.
I think it makes sense since he felt ‘alone’ in the thread, right now I’m suspecting that he’s probably NK.

literally only a deadeye makes sense

mauler wouldn’t

acolyte wouldn’t so


its ans or CRich and I believe ans

or its an RT which I think it could be?

so I don’t actually think ‘it was all an RT’ is the sort of thing CRich would normally think of on his own there

which makes me think he’s more likely to be groupscum than to be the NK

so I’m going to start looking through his Iso for spew

also we can probably narrow down groupscum somewhat based on who would think ‘it was all an RT’ is an actually good idea (which requires both having that idea, and thinking it’s a good idea)

and then he’s going to flip NK and all of this will be wasted


but appel is NK?

explain nappy


So as an offensive claim who is occupy/redirect immune, then I can’t have been redirected to Alice and Ans should have noticed that I visited Katze instead.


CRichard is probably groupscum.

why is appel NK

i was gonna pretend to be jailed n1 but then i realized it was really -EV for town

You’ve just contradicted yourself.

I explained

but didnt you say you might have hit a bus drive

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then why did you claim that

I still want you to re-ISO me and answer me: Did my posts feel “off” to you during D1?

Nappy has been theorizing that Appel is the NK, but the fact that CRichard is acting like this right now combined with the fact that he visited Alice makes me think that he’s NK himself.
Although, I suppose Arete’s theory makes some sense as well.

So why did you even bring up redirection to begin with.