SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

but we still p confident CRIch scoom though

would you push gorta on that basis?

How many reaction tests are we gonna keep doing, this is getting confusing

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Eh. I donā€™t know what to say to an obvious RT, but at this point I can confidently say my reads actually suck. I put Alice as scumlean in my journal. Ugh.

Anstreim, Arete, Alice, CRich
Didnā€™t really read that thoroughly though, but came to a few conclusions:

  • Anstreimā€™s tone wasnā€™t as bad at the beginning as I initally thought.
  • Arete is acting in a way I could easily see scum acting, Iā€™ll talk about that later
  • I still see nothing wrong with CRichā€™s tone, but I smell a pocket

So you think I would first put her in my scumleans and then kill her immediately after, even when she wasnā€™t active enough to at least pressure me? Her read was based on weird things.
As for Cloned, donā€™t know what to say. Could they feel threatened enough by that? Was there anyone who agreed/disagreed?

It was 6am
Let me sleep

You know itā€™s V!Appel when her reads actually suck way too much for her to be convincing

Oh no, thread just updated and thereā€™s still 500 posts left to go? Maybe I wonā€™t quote every little thing then

how about this one


kill intensify

see this isnt an RT, because now we nearly prove cult without risking lives

Also I have other info that might be useful though I donā€™t know wether I out it since it didnā€™t look like were supposed to out it from last game

you are a claimed neutral

if you want to live

  1. contribute a heck ton or be really townie
  2. out all your info consistently

: ( Canā€™t I just use stoneskin though???

ā€˜who would you push for a lynchā€™

ā€˜Gorta, here are my reasonsā€™

ā€˜but would you push Gorta on that basisā€™

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Hereā€™s the thing Intensify. As a neutral claim, we have no reason to keep you around.
Evils have a bad habit of claiming neutrals these days.

From what I heard, people donā€™t claim fake claim neutral here?



but if you are neutral then, we can prove it too, which is actually a good situation for both of us

i do believe alch claim, not sure of neutral though, this could help


most neutrals are evil, look at their wincons

so evil noots claim good noots

Hmmm I guess thatā€™s pretty fair, anyways so out this info then?

You had one reason that wasnā€™t directly gorta

I wanted to know if youd push him, or if youd lynch him on the basis


unless it involves someone elseā€™s claim

Ok so I was jailed. I didnā€™t really think I would be, but I was

I know my wording wasnā€™t great

but thatā€™s what I meant


well we missing a night kill

donā€™t out what the vessel said, under any circumstance