SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Ok ok ok ok ok, I will not talk about vessel, sorry I didn’t realize town was this strict about vessel convo


Well that escalated fast.

I agree

This was not what I wanted to reply to meant to reply to nappy

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anyway that’s enough hyperposting tonight

everybody’s last question


who do you think is town


thoughts on appel? Why did Alice likely die?


do you believe Intensify, and what do you think of cheese if you remember? if you dont remember what cheese has said, what do you think of ans?


what do you think of Alice’s death? You clearly liked you last night allies chat - I would recommend you dont out whos in allies today. Wont elaborate bye

our king has a iron fist

I think TBE is town

that wasn’t exactly the question

but sure

now back to question

Votee Voted By Votes Tags
CRichard katze, Italy, Intensify 3/8 Anstreim, TheBlueElixir
Appelsiini Anstreim 1/8 x
Gorta TheBlueElixir 1/8 x
Jane SirDerpsalot, Napoleon 2/8 SirDerpsalot


For me Ans and TBE (I think I did it right) seem town for now. Alice though seems super scum for reasons, idk I can’t put my finger on it but Alice is for sure scum

Except Alice is dead.

worth a shot i guess

maybe ill get you to answer before I die


that was joke

I was asking about why do you think ti was Alice that died


I am leaning towards thinking Appel isn’t W/W with CRichard (assuming groupscum!CRichard) for reasons I’ve explained, like, three times already

will hopefully be able to get a better sense of their alignment once I see how they reevaluate following CRichard being basically outed scum

a mix of ‘she’s Alice and lolSPKs’ and ‘she was right on her reads’

@Arete let’s kill Crich in jail

NK and NE exist

regular reads, not how they act with CRich

You guys have trouble making up your minds on me.

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You act weirdly idk.