SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Smh imagine being a simple human. Unlike all of you, I am a giraffe disguised as an elephant covered in a human skin tight suit

CRich trying to lolcat without actually admitting he’s scum is mildly amusing

Inb4 CRich flips Vessel

You aren’t helping.

Yeah because watching train wrecks is good for a laugh no?

I wonder if any of the mods are alive right now

Moderators Marshal and Amelia are missing and presumed dead or alive.

No I wanna know

Crich who’s vessel

Personally I think nappy is for sure Vessel

No doubt about it, Nappy is vessel

In before Napoleon causes the game to be re randed by posting night action in main thread.

Talking about Vessel again and disobeying my orders. I will set up a time for your execution. :angry: :hammer:

/Vote Intense

Ez scum caught

So does that mean Intensify dies now?

/Accuse Intensify

@Amelia and @Marshal VC.

Why’d you have to go and convert me Crich?

say please


Sorry my bad, mon bon et intelligente siegneur