SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Can someone tell Nappy to read what I wrote plz?

I can get a translator if you want Intensify.

Ok translate it

Itā€™s a rick roll in French. Nice one Intensify. I should have know I recognised a few of those words.

Dang i was hoping I could get Nappy first with it

@Napoleon plz translate this for me

Nappyā€™s gonna kill me soon I swear

Iā€™ll do the first two lines.

We are not strangers to like.
You know the rules and also I.

(yes i know its Rick and Roll)

Iā€™m not that good at French though

This is wrong grammar :newspaper_roll:

intelligent is masculine and it doesnā€™t have an ā€œeā€ and it goes after the subject (seigneur).

I donā€™t know enough vocab


How do I know you arenā€™t Chancellor

what the fuck is that

Is your class: The Ascetic?


Why should I believe that

How do I know you wonā€™t kill me in Allies chat

oh lmao

this is a thing

you donā€™t
i think i have a way to confirm 4 peopleā€™s roles if it works out
which includes mine

Thatā€™s exactly what the role that wants him dead would claim

Nappy you should add them

I agree :slight_smile: