SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Yeah, I do think that.

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Any specific reasons or just gut

Cuz I think the same thing tbh


(in response to asking if they visited katze)




I have some info that I believe is EV+ to out at some point today.

@Scum bleed me OwO.

I would but I canā€™t bleed sorry

:eyes: But youā€™re not scum.


Whatever ya say

/Vote Appelsiini
/Vote CRichard564

Iā€™d prefer Vessel dealing with Richard but itā€™s doesnā€™t seem like thatā€™s happening. : /

I seem to remember this has plurality. So if someone is tied with me in votes, then itā€™s a 50/50 chance i die today.

Thatā€™s true. I doubt the lynch will be randomized because of a tie with you though.

@Arete (If youā€™re still awake)

What do you think of Appels?

@Gaja1234 Are you planning on posting today?

I had Alice a scum lean as well and would have pressed her today if she lived.

I believe you would

Exactly, which is why I think it wouldnā€™t make sense to kill Alice

We lost that game because we didnā€™t sheep her reads and followed wolves. We shouldnā€™t discard Aliceā€™s reads, despite them being kind of meh compared to her usual reads.

I donā€™t know if you would or wouldnā€™t tbqh

Did you ever explain your case? I would support it and can see where you are coming from, but I want to hear your case.

I know I didnā€™t SL her for it

that does seem obvious, but at this point I really wouldnā€™t be surprised if he would, especially after using those ā€œRTsā€ as a way of clearing his name

Activity should never indicate alignment

speaking of, has anything come of this yet?

I hope you mean cult

hmmmmmmmmm this is a very bad post and do I even need to say why?

I did do something similar in a game, but I didnā€™t say it was some reaction test and was actually town

This is fake as hell and this is also why I partially think Appel/CRich could be a possible team. We assumed CRich wouldnā€™t defend his scum partner, but I think this proves itā€™s possible. I would like some takes on this

Arete was fairly townread already

This is also obvious

Yeah, a bit too convenient

If I recall this was also a ā€œRTā€

I actually agree with cheese here. If he is the converter then Katze should be under intense scrutiny

You will see more from me

Hell no, do you think I would have let CRich get away with those awful ā€œRTā€ if I was scum buddies with him?

I canā€™t explain CRichā€™s actions, but I was barely on yesterday and didnā€™t really get much of a chance to interect with CRich

Deja vu

I think we should lynch CRich and I think appel might be a decent jail target


I donā€™t agree with this and I think itā€™s a mistake, but if you are then there isnā€™t much I can do. I think you should give me more time to talk though

I was going to ask you who you thought was working with CRich if he is group scum, but I can assure you that if I was scum buddies with CRich I would have made sure he didnā€™t do those awful ā€œRTsā€. I know I am not as useful as I was last game, but I just caught up and have to sleep soon

Is it bad that I kind of think that cheese isnā€™t scum (or is less likely to be scum) from their posts today? I wonā€™t town read them, but they are higher up on my list now. Scum cheese usually plays worse. I welcome any input on the thought though

I want to see more from Intensify and Gaja. I kind of feel ok about Nappy. Arete is a slot that I am paranoid about because I know they are decent at playing either side. Has TBE had a wolf game?

As far as I know TBE has never had a wolf game.