SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

so wtf is this

I wouldnā€™t take it as AI, Derps also forces townslips as town, but less agressively (I think).

I have questions im going to keep to myself but I want to refer back to this post later

you know every time I said ā€˜no, I wont elaborateā€™ or this sorta post

I do have an answer, and Ill explain it in allies/jail/nearer to endgame

you can hold me to it

speaking of allies chat

nappy :smirk:

Iā€™m scared what Ans is about to write. Itā€™s been 20 minutes and he isnā€™t done yet

its going to be a big beautiful wallpost

the actor here looks like he was told to put on a hat and a vest and to look happy and hold the wall

for 10 quick bucks

What do you want to know?


kat wants in allies

I had in the moment forgotten about that

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We didnā€™t really get far enough for a killer to die and pass killing class on either

I believe it

I dont like it that I do

but I believe it

Iā€™m still not all the way awake

Alright so I just woke up and Iā€™m feeling terrible but I am once again mostly caught up with the thread. Looking at things we have from yesterday:

  • I am still skeptical that Appel/CRichard are W/W if CRichard flips groupscum. I do want to take a closer look at Appelā€™s/Gortaā€™s interactions later, but I find a few of her posts to be curious ā€“ the one message where she says that sheā€™s not surprised that people would want to lynch her for her posts isā€¦ a thing, and then thereā€™s another one where she said that she doesnā€™t really care about her image. I donā€™t think those would come from scum, as I would expect scum Appel to be more self-aware and actively care about the way she appears in the thread, but still.
  • Cloned is looking a little bit better after I read through his posts, but I still want more. The fact that heā€™s posting this time is good ā€“ I also recall him saying that he will try and make his conclusions from today since he doesnā€™t want to backread on D1. Needless to say, Iā€™m eagerly awaiting those.
  • Thereā€™s something I noticed about Intensify that no one else brought to attention. Namely, the fact that they claimed Deadeye during D1:

and now he is claiming an Alchemist. I agree with TBE that he probably isnā€™t town, but this still raises some questions.

@Intensify When you are present, care to elaborate as to what you were hoping to accomplish with that claim? Why did you decide to fakeclaim to begin with, if you thought that TBE is lying ā€“ and why did you have him in your nulls in the readlist?

Also TBE, Iā€™ve been meaning to do this yesterday during SoD but it slipped my mind.
Youā€™ve been constantly active and asking questions during this whole game ā€“ which I like. But I would very much like to hear the conclusions youā€™ve made so far. Talk to me more about Arete, Appel and Jane. I think you mentioned Jane somewhere below and said that you donā€™t particularly trust them, but you didnā€™t really go in-depth about it ā€“ although I might be confusing you with Kat.

Oh and Nappy, I think you said you were planning to have me/Arete in Allies tonight ā€“ I donā€™t think this is necessary. Iā€™m probably going to proceed with the same thing we discussed during the night.

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I like double town allies though :frowning:

iā€™d like to slither my way in, my liege

this is not a claim

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Arete is town tho

He claimed he was a scum-siding neut above and I donā€™t believe it. He actively said something along the lines of ā€œDonā€™t execute/lynch me because you are wasting time on a scum-sided neutralā€ ā€“ I donā€™t buy it.

i think i said it first, not TBE, but either way

hes actively being anti-town

if he ever rescinds his claim and says hes town hes full of shit