SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

know when to fold 'em

iā€™m pretty surprised theyā€™re still trying to fight their lynch

i think if its actually an unseen game that it looks way way worse

because it doesnā€™t read like an RT at all

in the context they made the post it doesnā€™t make sense


this doesnā€™t line up with my gamblers fallacy coin flip dictating that itā€™s a BD game

Oh yeah, I remember seeing this when catching up.
Well, I didnā€™t even take it seriously because I donā€™t see a world where anyone would actually think that Intensifyā€™s post was implying it was Unseen game ā€“ it was very clearly just flavor discussion.
Without going into a wallpost: It was really obvious and Iā€™m not sure what she was hoping to accomplish with it.

Your thoughts?

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Also, as I explained before, the reason why I put TBE as null was because first, we had 10 minutes and I was pretty sure 10 minutes wasnā€™t enough time for a full lengthy debate and second, I would look susp af putting everyone as null and the TBE as SL with no explanation what so ever

the answers were sometimes answering the wrong questions or just not direct answers, didnā€™t like it

could be in bottom 3, dunno how common that is

but what im thinking is that trying to identify exactly who is which scoom is bad

I dont think trying to base reads purely off of association is a good plan. Sure, go back and see if you can find something, but that shouldnā€™t be the main reason why you read someone that way

I should probably re-read this bit

whats the arete emoji where the person looks up (^_^)\

I dont think its much tbh, cheese in ToS 2 had literally 0 self-prez

do want to see if it sticks though, for science reasons

Iā€™ll hold you on to that.

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Anstreim who should be part of my Allies chat?

Also I think Cloned is just town

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Arete is probably a decent pick but Iā€™m not really sold on the second person.
Maybe TBE since heā€™s still consensus town, maybe Jane? Or if you want to speak with someone from the nullzone, probably Gorta.


thats my problem with the post

it doesnā€™t make sense to RT someone over a thing like that?

and then they just

ā€œyeah idk what to do with thisā€

still donā€™t think this makes very much sense either

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me considering which noot to claim today

like, i am definitely someone who does pointless RTs but you canā€™t cast your fishing hook in an oil leak and expect to get a fish

you need something to give them the impression that thereā€™s a world where you believe what youā€™re saying

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katze is probably town too

The only time I could see this ā€œRTā€ making sense is if Appel thought she could make Intensify think he scumslipped but thatā€™s probably the worst possible way to go about it, and it still doesnā€™t really seem right.


Also daily reminder:
Scumslips arenā€™t real.

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Also Anstreim, why donā€™t you want to be in Allies?

We donā€™t necessarily have to discuss your actions or your class, but at least i can get the class of another player with the most likely player to be town imo (i dont think you are converted your D2 is pretty good).

ā€¦Excuse me for feeling pressured when my attempt to do something instead of defending myself got immediately shot down and put on the spot. After I had just gotten out of a conversation where everyone in the thread at that moment basically had me as lockscum.