SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

I don’t like either Arete or CRichard and it’s bothering me.

I… kind of believe it.

I don’t think Derps would claim Merc as a wolf.

He’s been playing like a typical V!CRich so null/slightly townlean. Him townreading me reminded me of the way he ignored the accusations when I scumread him, but it would obviously make sense coming from a wolf so I treat it as NAI.

Yes. In SFoL 61, he instead just townleaned people like there was no tomorrow

At the same time everyone is ganging up on CRichard.

you ever just
get completely ignored

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Stop pinging me so i can focus on my hw plz
D1 is useless anyway

Let me troll in peace

Am i that bad of a memer lmao


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these points seem to contradict each other (trying to be noticed vs. disappearing)

can you expand on that

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I voted Arete

so that’s cool

but I want to see more from arete

mainly because id expect more from them as either alignment

d1 still has a ton of time left doe


you know what


Quite true
I wanted ppl to laugh at joke
Bad execution ig ;-;

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[quote=“clonedcheese, post:406, topic:81863”]
Stop pinging me so i can focus on my hw plz
D1 is useless anyway

Oh so this was from a troll mindset?

CRichard, the Emperor is not pleased with you.

Cheese made a suspicious post claiming D1 scorned right out the gate saying that Katze and Jane are to be lynched.
Then after the spotlight was shined on him, he then claimed he has real life getting in the way and stopped posting for a while.
I’m not saying he isn’t lying about real life getting in the way, yet I find his entrance very odd from how I remember him playing.

he slipped as hob get him

Appel looks a bit cautious while CRich also feels kind of snappy, tbh. I’ll probably re-read them when I wake up.

Yeah i think this slot is town
They have a bad habit of not taking jokes and calling them out as scummy as town

See reaction when someone that was not mode claimed king last round

Edit that: I don’t think cheese is lying about real life getting in the way.

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Nappy rolled NK again





The quote is fake, its Psychopathic Archdeacon

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Pff. Okay

I concede that my joke was poorly executed
Sorry about that :stuck_out_tongue: