SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

if i die and my logs aren’t very obviously written by me then something is wrong

nobody in this game can replicate the logs i have written

The only way to alter logs in this game is to destroy them iirc.

MF can erase logs

nothing I dont think can edit them

I think MF can edit logs hold on

oh nvm they cant

Nope, it’s “destroy the logs and hide/alter the flip”.

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Please throw me in allies

and with that, who do you want to replace?(kat/arete)

I have arete as the other one because I think Arete is more likely town than katze



im offended but i don’t blame you for having ptsd from my wolfgames

I think you can be NK. I don’t think you are groupscum.

my ptsd from D1 in SFoL61 was exaggerated and an excuse not to townread you.

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i think i could probably dismiss that concern in allies chat?

Hmm very well.

@TheBlueElixir @Arete

You guys fine if I replace katze with Arete for Allies?

Arete with katze*


I like neighborhoods but (as Ans has been criticizing me for!) my play this game has been lower-energy, and I don’t have super critical secret information or anything

I think arete has more NK potential then kat

id rather have arete so I could get a better read

but if you doubt kat maybe itll help your read

either way Im explaining how I played my weird plays

i.e. I could go either way

kat I would probably make a more elaborate plan, if im going to plan

arete I would get a better read on

I haven’t been criticizing you, it’s just that I thought you would be more active but I already said that other people are allowed to have a real life.
Also I still think you would be a good candidate for Allies, but if anyone wants my opinion – I’m fine with whichever you pick, Nappy.