SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

(I was more asking if they were converted, but okay.)

D1 Arete is town in my opinion, I donā€™t know about D2

I will say ahead of time that I canā€™t differentiate between town_gorta_pratai and scum_gorta_pratai. I feel like heā€™s LHFy as both alignments, but less prepared to express his opinion on things as scum. Not sure how correct this assessment is, but if itā€™s correct at all, then the things Gortaā€™s done this game, at least day 1 (which is as far as Iā€™ve read his ISO) point to him being Cult.


Reaction to the nightkill looks like town Arete. When scum Arete tries to fake reactions to things, it comes across as weird to me. This one doesnā€™t.

Yeah no, Areteā€™s still town. Scum Arete would be pushing agenda here instead of stumbling around, trying to figure out the nightkill / peopleā€™s alignments.

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Jane has an oddly high number of posts in comparison to the usual. Probably town indicative? The question mark is because of lolconversion.

How about you post/talk to me/to anyone else instead of stealthliking my posts?

What do you want to talk about?

/vote Jane
tag, youā€™re it

:angry: Rood

Jane is probably town

What do you think of Appelsiini?

Did wolves seriously nightkill someone who posted less than the host? lolSPKs lolparanoia

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toss a coin to your witcher

also cloned is either legitimate scorned or town
not sure how accurate the towntell iā€™ve found for him actually is but thatā€™s what i think rn


are all the likes youā€™re giving me an elaborate pocket


No. I just agree with everything youā€™ve said so far.

I mean thatā€™s another reason why I suspect your slot.

Itā€™s not you Vulgard, but Gaja screwed up big time

Vulgard is probably town

there are a couple posts that ping me (5005, last sentence of 5026, 5029) but most of his posts were written by a villager

holding off on locking this one in until morning

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Cloned had randed Scorned last game, so they were memeing.

Vulgard seems V from the first glance by the way, heā€™s seems to be making genuine reads and their tone is alright.

I agree, Voolā€™s a villager.