SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

I honestly don’t expect to do well this game, but maybe I’ll get something done. Like prevent TvT wagons?

I think this is a distinctly villagery response. What were the initial reasons for the push on gorta?

TL;DR I was on CRich’s top 3 scum list and not pushed and something something pushing exposed scum for towncred

Arete thought that that was proof of me and CRich being scum buddies

Aren’t, like, half the players in the game doing that? Who can be accredited with catching CRich initially? I think Arete gets the most credit for that, from what I could read.

Unless you’re misphrasing what they said, I think Arete’s town but possibly wrong about you. Not sure yet, though. I need to actually read your ISO.

I haven’t been the most active, but it’s kind of like my tone from Insurgency I can tell (minus the wishy-washy reads). There were a few dumber gorta moments, but eh, it was 7 AM, so my mind wasn’t all there. I do think that Arete is possibly wrong about me because she also did this in Insurgency.

Hey Vulgard, do you know about the voting mecahnic?

Also I’ll play along:

/vote katze

You kinda just voted katze just like “whoosh”! so I don’t think you know about the voting mechanic :eyes:?

Yes, and I don’t care about who I tag. I already tagged myself for the memes, and if it doesn’t work, I tagged Jane who I don’t want to lynch.

I think we’re making too big of a deal out of it. I’m town, I don’t think I’m PoE anymore, and so I’m not obligated to be careful with my vote because of the tag mechanic.

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uhh also katze also has a d2 I think you should read though

oh boy
give me time and i’ll try to analyze this

Bold statement: I think I can figure out katze’s alignment based on the read on CRich alone.
watch me be completely wrong

towngod vulgod towngod vulgod towngod vulgod

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i wish


you change your mind quickly

I forgot about katze’s day 2

I kinda liked it better

But continue reading katze k ty