SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


well i gotta go again

i think the biggest difference between me in sfol61/this game and in other town games is im more focused on finding town and building a PoE from people i cant find as town than i am finding scum

because i donā€™t think im that great at finding scum and i think im a bit better at finding town

the former is something i try to do as town already!!! im just being more vocal about my thought process andā€¦ thats literally it, isnā€™t it?

and good RTs are hard to do when literally everything i say is never taken seriously anymore, but a majority of my RTs are done for a reason (they just donā€™t get results that often)

not cool

Is this where I quote all the games where you incessantly memed and claimed scum as town.

Keep doing that ā€“ itā€™s legitimately a whole lot easier (and a lot more pleasant) to interact with you when you explain what you are doing. When I said that I donā€™t want to play with you in that chat, I was half-genuine ā€“ I expected you to meme and not do much in the thread, and I probably wouldnā€™t have patience to handle it.

You kinda brought this on yourself though.

Hey Italy.
How about you do things.

i think ive claimed scum this game too? idk, ive lost track of what i have and havenā€™t done this game, but im like 99% sure i claimed scum in sfol61.0 because i wanted to prove that itā€™s not a scumtell for me to claim scum to the 0 people who thought it was

i mean i didnā€™t think you were joking because it was mildly harsh and didnā€™t come off as a joke, especially in the context it was said in

not saying i didnā€™t

just sad


being town leader italy is hard

I think youā€™re incorrect in a certain aspect here. Derps enjoys playing wolf far more than he enjoys playing town. If thereā€™s a WiM argument to be made, him having higher WiM is typically a bad sign.

He does intentionally fake low WiM as a wolf, and he has done it to good effect in a game I played with him off-site, but my point still stands.

I honestly think he shouldā€™ve used the Senex day ability by now and the fact he hasnā€™t is scummy. If youā€™re going to claim Senex anyway, why donā€™t you just reveal? What are you waiting for?

If he were afraid of day occupations or something, he could just reveal without claiming or softing whatsoever. That way, there would be little to no risk of it being interrupted somehow.

I mean, you kinda did it to yourself with the lolreactiontests pre-rand.




The thing about claiming scum is that thereā€™s difference between claiming scum when your whole ISO is memes, and when your ISO is actually full of your thoughts/explanations.
Does that make sense? The fact that you elaborate on things makes it easier to interact with you and cuts down needless paranoia about you actually being scum, because like you said, you claiming it is pretty much NAI.
I guess I worded that wrong but itā€™s not about claiming scum in general, itā€™s about your other content.

Iā€™m sorry if it came out harsh. Iā€™ve actually enjoyed playing with you so far.

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Whatā€™s the context of his claim, or at least, whatā€™s the threadā€™s impression of the context? I have to check this myself.

is that a bad sign when im actually not sure

i dont wanna iso myself

nod nod

then do it more often :^)

i think he claimed self resolving on like d1/d2 for no real reason

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his 4th and 11th posts if i know how to count correctly

Honestly, Seth claiming self-resolving (kinda) and then not doing it with objectively impossible to fake mechanics is something that makes me want to kill him right now.

Heā€™s had one whole day phase and a sizable portion of the second day phase to do it. He hasnā€™t, and I canā€™t find a good reason for it other than the fact heā€™s just lying. He claimed Senex anyway, so why not use the ability to back your words up?

/vote ModeShifter

Alright, I can accept this. But letā€™s look at it from this perspective:
If CRichard flips groupscum, I think it basically removes the possibility of SDA being his partner, since CRichard is probably on the same levels as Italy? He never had a scum game before either.
If CRichard flips NK, then I suppose he is one of those slots that would have to be reevaluated ASAP.

The whole Mercenary claim thing still doesnā€™t sit well with me though. Why claim a neutral as scum and bring attention to yourself so early on?

The issue is that he softed his class I want to say 40 minutes into D1. After bringing up the whole day occupy argument (which I didnā€™t really consider before), I agree that he should probably WIFOM the reveal, but weā€™ve discussed this already. Even if he gets day occupied, heā€™s never the first lynch tomorrow.
Also, doesnā€™t reveal remove DI? Meaning revealing before D3 would be worse than revealing now, since in case Seth is real he might get shanked tonight. And Senex is quite useful.

Also, do we know if Senex flips with its granted wincon?

i claim self resolving
/dayvig italy

What do you want to talk about?

I think it should? Iā€™m going to ask in my class card.

i think weā€™d be informed of cult senex having its passive trigger


could try to bully the reveal out of him today, i think his ISO is decently towny for him but its less towny than i remember