SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

i was one of the people who were scumreading crich day 1
and early into it

This is also true.
The three people who thought CRichardā€™s tone was off from his early posts were:
Myself, Arete, Italy.

is that list ordered

is it possible italy picked up on his teammate being scumread and went for towncred

i donā€™t think heā€™s a wolf but it feels like crichard is unlikely to be w/w with a lot of people

i tried my best to describe his tone

Itā€™s not ordered but let me go through the beginning and see.

I mean itā€™s possible but I think if Italy got groupscum again and rolled it with CRichard he just wouldnā€™t exist in the thread.
Maybe Iā€™m lowering my bar for Italy too much.

ā€¦Are you referring to this?

And this?

This isnā€™t even a read. Youā€™re not implying alignment. Youā€™re posting a surface-level observation, but treating it like something which should clear you.

You werenā€™t even the only one making similar points at the time.

It doesnā€™t clear you.

I think this is when Italy starts implying alignment, but it seems a little late. Took them quite some time to commit, even though the only other person they have scumread in their ISO until that point was Derps.

Iā€™m taking this as a joke, because if it isnā€™t a joke, it completely contradicts Italyā€™s earlier takes on both Derps and CRich.

This is far more committed, and also has more progression leading up to it earlier. Too bad itā€™s on a neutral claim. :upside_down_face:

Players get town rands the majority of the time because of how the game is designed. Which means that most of the time, actively trying to be hard to read hurts you and your faction.

Please reconsider.

Italy keeps going on about Derps instead of CRich. They seem to have far more conviction about Derps than the conviction they have about CRich. They just kinda ignore CRich after the initial suspicion, at least on day 1.

I fail to see how itā€™s clearing. Itā€™s nothing more than what other people have done @ CRich.

upon skimming it looks like he was the third of you three

do we think scum!italy just says to have derps bleed out like that, though?


lets entertain the world where italy is frostweaver and bled derps

derps bleeding out in 1 night outs that a frostweaver exists

italy pushing to not have him healed makes him look awful

i donā€™t think frostweaver!italy would do that?

now ill entertain italy being groupscum and having derps bled because of the neutral claim

convincing people to not heal a neutral claim isnā€™t really hard, and it probably doesnā€™t look awful for him if he flips cult?

hmm, maybe i could see this being a world

If Italy is groupscum, heā€™s aware that his partner is suspicious and is probably laying groundwork to possibly bus him later. Tunneling a neutral claim is easy to do as scum and makes you look productive ā€“ plus, itā€™s something he can waste his time on doing while he checks the thread consensus on CRich. There is only a miniscule chance that Derps could be helpful to groupscum this game (if heā€™s trueclaiming) based on percentile stuff and whatnot.

In short, itā€™s not like he has no reason to tunnel Derps if heā€™s scum. To look productive, to focus on someone other than his partner, to distract people from their partner and shift the lynch into a neutral claimā€¦

Iā€™m not saying he has to be scum, Iā€™m saying that a scum motivation could easily exist here.

I know, itā€™s just funny how I open your ISO and your first ā€œsuspicion of CRichā€ is this post.

Itā€™s kinda weird how it happens to be on someone whoā€™s actually scum.

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Votee Voted By Votes Tags
CRichard Italy, clonedcheese 2/8 Anstreim, TheBlueElixir
Appelsiini Jane, ModeShifter, Intensify 3/8 Jane, ModeShifter
an_gorta_pratai SirDerpsAlot, Arete 2/8 x
Jane x 0/8 SirDerpsAlot, Vulgard
Intensify x 0/8 CRichard564
Italy x 0/8 katze
Anstreim x 0/8 Arete
Vulgard Napoleon 1/8 x
ModeShifter Vulgard 1/8 x

ā€œoh hey nontown this is exactly italyā€™s roleā€

And Appel is a wagon becauseā€¦? The fact the wagon seems so frozen strikes me as odd. Itā€™s being voted by two neutral claims and someone I read town, so thatā€™s even more weird. Not sure what to infer from it.

I looked over and yeah.
Arete was the first to notice it:

Though Italy had this post:

But I guess itā€™s not really a ā€˜readā€™, itā€™s more of a joke.
And then I picked up on it as well ā€“ but I was also a bit preoccupied with figuring SDAā€™s ā€œmercā€ shenanigans and entertaining scenarios where his claim might be true:

Also I noticed that I completely missed Nappyā€™s question because I was tired as hell.

I still donā€™t think it tells us much.

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i still think appel has decent groupscum/NK equity but she was at L-3 or L-2 at some point and i think i unvoted around then

something something appel defending crich

Let me stop right there and ask: Is there a world where Italy actually bleeds a Mercenary claim, since he seemed to actually believe it?
Itā€™s somewhat of a waste, is it not? Itā€™s a neutral claim ā€“ which can potentially be suspected of being NK later on, not to mention that itā€™s not really someone that is actively harmful to you (except for theoretically SG but youā€™d have to hit that precise target in the night the Merc guards precisely them).
Whatā€™s the point.

This is also -EV because he directly advocated against healing them. Outing your existence on a Neut claim so early into D1 seems like an absolutely horrendous play ā€“ I doubt even Italy would consider that.

Again ā€“ why. SG doesnā€™t prevent conversions, converting one of SDAā€™s targets and weeding off the second one would basically make him a honorary scum member. Removing SDA and wasting KP on him is, once more, -EV.
It does not make sense.

imo merc claiming D1 is -EV for them even if itā€™s one of the safer neuts to openclaim with

italy faking believing the claim and not actually believing it is plausible but i think i might be using too much hindsight since we now know the claim is fake

if i have to twist and turn this much to make this world make sense its probably not the world we live in, huh

italy v

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i only just realized how many good songs are in the calamity soundtrack
i should really listen to more