SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

idk this is where im at right now in terms of reads

Very Likely Town

Gaja -> Vulgard

Likely Town


Literally claiming neutrals [but I believe both of these claims]

Seth (med TR before neut claim)
Intensify (null before neut claim)

Everyone else (unordered)


:joy_cat: :wolf: :joy_cat:


TBE/Arete are swapping spots in my head quite a bit

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better than replacing into a banned player at night and dying in the same night

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The best replaceout meme is when Ami replaced into a slot in Looming Threat during the night and was nightkilled on that same night.

well there was jake who was in effectively jail, got banned, and datbird replaced in just to die

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Same, but my initial thought was that ā€œShould I try to care about my imageā€ comment was made like she didnā€™t really consider caring about it before? Which is probably town-AI most of the time, town doesnā€™t have to care about their appearance.

The thing about Intensify/Seth voting her probably comes from the part that both of them claimed Neutrals, which I agree is odd ā€“ but I suppose I kinda see it in Sethā€™s case? Since we think heā€™s Cult-aligned Senex, it makes some sense for him to try and push on people he finds scummy. Why does a survivor Neut tag someone is another question entirely.

This was the precise post that made me question her because itā€™sā€¦ weird. ā€œI wouldnā€™t be surprised if people wanted to lynch me.ā€

That whole thing was supposedly RT but we discussed it with Kat here:

Iā€™m still not sure what to make of it.

like i said earlier

as someone who does a lot of RTs

that one had literally 0 chance of working ever

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I mean I outright said that I skipped over it because I thought it was a joke.

you cant just pull shit like that and say ā€œlol it was a bad rt chill outā€ and expect katze to not make angry faces

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The problem lies in how itā€™s stated. Itā€™s stated like she really wants to make it clear how little she cared before. Like sheā€™s aware that not caring about oneā€™s image makes you towny, and really wants people to believe that she was doing exactly that. In other words, LAMIST.

I just donā€™t think her mindset really aligns. At first, she says she understands why people suspect her. But now that thereā€™s an actual wagon on her, she doesnā€™t. Itā€™s like sheā€¦ didnā€™t expect to be pushed, or something? I would like her to state individual reasons why she believes the voters on her donā€™t make sense.

You can justify any scummy-looking post by saying it was a reactiontest. That doesnā€™t, and shouldnā€™t, make it less wolfy ā€“ unless itā€™s obvious in hindsight that it was a reactiontest.

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didnt i literally get away with scumslipping multiple times in RM4 because of this


ā€œI said earlier that I knew why I was suspicious, so why are you voting me? Iā€™m aware!! Iā€™m trying!!ā€

Yes. Marshal does this too. And other active wolves.

I mean this was literally the final nail in CRichardā€™s coffin soā€¦ yeah.

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there were multiple final nails

the ā€œi was RTing you, i greenchecked youā€ was the final final nail

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When is the end of day? I think my vote is going to land on Appelsiini at this rate, unless something changes before the deadline.

Amelia still hasnā€™t added SoD/EoD links to the OP like I asked her to, smh.
Hereā€™s the dynamic time:

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I mean, RTing your greencheck and thinking that there was a redirection as an Offensive claim was also a thing.

well thats what im saying

ā€œi must have been redirectedā€
ā€œoh but i wasnā€™t redirected in my resultsā€
ā€œalso i occupied katzeā€
ā€œokay just kidding, i greenchecked katzeā€

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what if that entire charade was his wolf partner trying to make crich spew me as scum

obviously this doesnā€™t apply if he flips NK/scumneut (and im leaning towards a NK flip, because nobody really feels blatantly W/W with him)

idk, it really makes no sense

Bruh, itā€™s in the middle of the night.

Iā€™m leaving the thread for now, but if I come back in later just to vote Appel and then dip, at least I have a justification now.