SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

I swear their was another

Seth, CRich, Intens

I think CRich is just scum, I doubt he is neutral

Didnā€™t cheese or some shot claim neut

cheese claimed Scorned as a joke.

Blue claimed Inq but retracted it.

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cheese joked about scorned

I claimed noot for most of d1 to avoid death, but dropped it SoD2

I see

Yes TBE dropped the neut claim

And apparently I dropped my alch claim as well according to Appel?


appel thought you were me

I wanna vote but idk what wagons look like

I also donā€™t know who Iā€™m voting

Like this.

Vote Appel I geuss? Appel is like our second scum lead I think

/vote Intensify

quick cfd the alch


I skimmed Janeā€™s case on Appel and it wasnā€™t terrible

I skipped that last bit because i wanted to know which McDonalds toy was in the convert box

I didnā€™t exactly think about going back


Iā€™d feel terrible if they were real, so no.


well no time like the present

gonna go re-read Janeā€™s case

What cfd mean?