SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

NK inq NK inq

Inb4 Zeolet binds down Vessel

Based on current threadstate, I probably wonā€™t be around for EoD again. :frowning:

Wait wtf happens if I was actually binded by Zeolet

hopefully ill be back for EoD

but being in Allies would be p nice, though I get Nappy wants claims from nulls

I should probably leave a voteā€¦

/vote Appel

not sure if anyone actually read the thing I posted earlier, but its literally Process of Elimination, it just is appel.

I TLā€™d them, but like, who else is it? I dont think its gorta. So this is the better wagon

also im sheeping a bit today as I said I had to gimme a break

Wait I just realized I can become cult-simping alch!


Votee Voted By Votes Tags
CRichard Italy, clonedcheese 2/8 Anstreim, TheBlueElixir
Appelsiini Jane, ModeShifter, Intensify, Napoleon, TheBlueElixir 5/8 Jane, ModeShifter
an_gorta_pratai SirDerpsAlot, Arete 2/8 x
Jane x 0/8 SirDerpsAlot, Vulgard
Intensify x 0/8 CRichard564
Italy x 0/8 katze
Anstreim x 0/8 Arete
ModeShifter Vulgard 1/8 x
TheBlueElixir x 0/8 x

its not really a choice until endgame where I hope you side with us but sure

dont quickhammer

I dont think it will rn, but make sure it doesnt

So I searched the nks names on the forums to see where they originated from and I found this treasure https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-grand-idea-class-thread-v2/78691/681

Half of them are trolls and the other are serious, itā€™s perfect


p sure the NKs dont come from there

but anybody can submit a classcard into it

and at the end people play a game with those


Boomer Special

I Hate My Wife (Passive) - You will appear Blue Dragon to faction checks.
Itā€™s Called A Library (Day) - At the start of the night, you will receive a post range (from 100 to 200 for example) that your targetā€™s class number resides in the class card thread. - 3 Uses.
Father I Cannot Click the Book (Night) - You may attack a player provided they have claimed to be playing on mobile the day before. - Infinite Uses
I Just Wanna Grill! (Night) - Convert a player to the Boomers, giving them the same class card as yourself but without the I Hate My Wife passive. - Infinite Uses, 1 Night Cooldown, Cooldown Shared With All Boomers, Only 1 Boomer May Use This Per Night.
You win when the Blue Dragon are defeated, and any Neutrals who cannot win with you are dead.

I like this one

p sure the only NK youd find outside of the thread is the mind flayer

Jezuz wtf has Alice come up with?
Neutral Social

Thug Life (Passive) - You canā€™t be killed at night.
Orthodox Judaism (Passive) - You canā€™t be occupied nor redirected at night.

Facts and Logic (Night) - You will turn another player into a Ben Shapiro.

Make sure every living player becomes Ben Shapiro.

Itā€™s like vampires, but Ben Shaprio so like 10 times sexier

arbiter is edited from the HoB/virtuous games (it wasnt an NK in either)
frostweaver i think ameilia made herself
astromancer is probably half original half from tol discord
zealot im pretty sure was kapes idea in tol discord somewhere

and then theres mind flayer

an official fol nk

Wait Kape didnā€™t make astromancer?

My life is a lie