SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


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ā€œAlright everyone, we must find the one who killed Alice!ā€ Napoleon, the Archdeacon declares. Discussion circulates, but one conclusion is formed.

ā€œItā€™s CRichard!ā€ Everyone shouts.

CRichard soon goes quiet. And nobody really knows why. Suddenly, the Archdeacon raises his scepter, and points it towards Appelsiini.

ā€œI declare that we sacrifice Appelsiini to Mithras, she has associated too much with CRichard!ā€

Appelsiini responds with shock. ā€œWhat!? I did nothing wrong!ā€ In a panic, she snaps her fingers. A bear and wolf join her side. ā€œIā€™m the Mauler! The one who owns these animals! Surely you will spare me, right?ā€

As soon as she says this though, her animals turn on her. She is mauled, ironically, by her own companions! By the time the guards can get both of them off of her, only bone remains. The court can only stare in shock at the brutal event that has just occurred.

Appelsiini has been executed on the charge of homicide! She wasā€¦

The Mauler

Cult Killer
Blood Hound (Day) - Send a hungry blood hound to maul a player, causing them to begin bleeding. They will die in 2 nights if not healed. You canā€™t use Behemoth tonight. 1 use
Behemoth (Night) - Defend your room with a murderous bear, tearing any of your attackers to shreds. You may not use Blood Hound tomorrow. 2 uses
Gaze of a Psychopath (Night) - If your first target visits your second target, you will ambush them, occupying and attacking them. This ability will be unable to regenerate uses if you kill a cultist with it. 2 uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon and Unseen as well as any neutrals who would oppose you.


Used Behemoth N1.

Did some re-evaluating and came to these conclusions:

  • Anstreimā€™s tone wasnā€™t as bad as I initially thought. I was tired, okay
  • Arete is actually scummy as hell
  • I still donā€™t see much wrong with CRichā€™s tone but I smell a pocket. Depends on if I die, and by who
  • Donā€™t clear Italy and Derps just because theyā€™re posting, Derps seems alright though
  • Alice still kind of scummy, put more pressure on her
  • Gorta leaning V
  • Intensifyā€¦ null/scumlean. Possibly NK, since their reads donā€™t really indicate groupscum.

Day 2 has ended, and Night 2 shall begin. It will end at 2020-05-29T00:11:00Z. The deadline for submitting your actions is an hour before SoD.

Night 2 is over. We are sending out feedback now. If you got nothing, you have slept peacefully

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Amelia and Marshal once again meet up before court proceedings. They both are exasperated.

"Did you find a dead body too?ā€™ Amelia says. ā€œYes, yes I didā€ was the response.

The one Amelia found was cloaked within a purple robe with daggers and nightshade vials within the clothes. It appears to be CRich, the one accused from the previous day.

The other body that Marshal found appeared to be that of a hired sword from a foreign land. However, upon inspecting the contract, Marshal found that he was aiming to destroy the Cult!

When the duo reported this news to the court, they began rejoicing! They made huge advances towards removing the traitors from their kingdom. This celebration would be cut short however, when they would find Vulgard laying across the courtroom table. Heā€™s dead. The court offers their prayers to him, and ensure that his death is not in vain!

CRichard564 was killed during the night! He wasā€¦

The Assassin :shield: :fire: :crossed_swords:

Unseen Killer
Apprentice (Passive) - Take the Mastermindā€™s place if they die, become archdeacon, or use Dirty Work. You will pass this passive down to the current convert if you become archdeacon
Lacerate (Day) - Slice a playerā€™s artery, causing them to start bleeding. They will die in 2 nights if not healed. 3 uses (shared) :crown:
Hidden Blade (Day) - Occupy target player for this day. 1 use (shared)
Assassinate (Night) - Attack and kill your target. Infinite uses :crown:
2-for-1 (Night) - Kill two players. 1 use (Shared) :crown:

Defeat the Cult and any neutrals who would oppose your cause.

We found no logs on CRichardā€™s person

SirDerpsalot was killed during the night! He wasā€¦

The Guardian :shield: :fire:

Neutral Offensive
Among Friends (Passive) - You will survive the first attack on you at night, unless it was made by a Cult member. Additionally, you appear as whichever evil faction is present to investigations.
Contracted (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection. While you live, the Cultā€™s passive occupation immunity is disabled.
Stonewall (Night) - Prevent all visits to a player except your own and those of a converter or attacker. Infinite uses :crown:
Intimidate (Night) - Occupy a player. Infinite uses

Ensure the Cult loses.

We found no logs on derpsā€™s person

Vulgard was killed during the night! He wasā€¦

The Ritualist

Cult Support
Brotherhood (Day) - The player you target with your night abilities will be conversion immune tonight.1 use
Eldritch Guard (Night) - Make a player immune to occupation, redirection, and visit prevention tonight. 3 uses
Frozen Blood (Night) - Prevent anyone besides yourself from visiting a player tonight. 1 use :crown:

Defeat the Blue Dragon and Unseen as well as any neutrals who would oppose you.


Ritualist Vulgard
D1 and N1 - no actions (lolGaja)
D2 - Brotherhood
N2 - Eldritch Guard katze
I had already used Brotherhood before I was informed about the nightplan (ritualists on Seth), and it would be a waste if I didnā€™t use it properly, soooā€¦
Important note: Arete is likely to be a wolf. Their low-level analysis and playstyle here are scumtells for them. Iā€™d even argue they are neutral tells, because Areteā€™s investment seems somewhat low. I donā€™t think they are groupscum, but I see some NK equity. I know I said they were town before, however I am reconsidering this based on how day 2 went. Weā€™ll see how they act later, but PLEASE consider it. I believe that town!Arete always CFDs off Appel once they notice that the openwolfer tried to quickhammer Appel.

Night 2 has ended and Day 3 will now begin. It will end at 2020-05-31T00:19:00Z. With 11 players alive, majority is 6. You may now post.



reveal. now.

First. Also Unseen game. Thatā€™s interesting

Iā€™m now on mobilier, so couldnā€™t say everything I wanted(had to leave for the last hour)

Also i lied about a little something

It was necessary

Sorry nappy

, check post #10 though, itā€™s a hint

Yea, all the way back there

I wont say more on it rn

Also where should I explain myself hmmmmm

Just wanted that out of the way

But pog deaths



Why did SDA die?


One of the neutrals is fake. Itā€™s between you and Intensify, if you are actually the Senex then you should be revealing now.
Also, the fact that SDA died when Intensify was supposed to heal them and the fact that he was jailed on N1 without kill makes me think heā€™s actually NK here.

Also, I read back yesterday ā€“ why did only a few of you consider the fact that CRichard was trying to hammer Appel suspicious?

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Perhaps Iā€™m not neutralā€¦




I shouldā€™ve

I didnt

Seth is real, I am not neutral

But yes, Seth should reveal

Iā€™m not saying I expected you to CFD off of her because she had some bad posts on her own but that raised an eyebrow when I was catching up.

Look at vuls logs