SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

like, we got lucky derps flipped NE

but what if he didn’t?


Like Arete softed this way early on for no reason.

You were one of my top townreads and were generally competent, and most other players were townreading you

my initial plan when I saw my rolecard was to Frozen Blood Alice N1 but then she 20posted and I was like ‘even if she’s town there’s no way evils go for her here and I might block invests’ :upside_down_face:

Interestingly enough you weren’t ‘trying to protect yourself from being lynched’ in the first game, and you are saying that your class is confirmable.
You still haven’t answered how confirmable it is, and you still haven’t answered as to why the hell you claimed a healer when we had two bleeding people and the plan was to heal them both.

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Post #16 n2 allies


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But I did say how confirmable it is?


I didnt get my special line

See right here

Most other people actually caught on to my ‘weirdness’ on D1 because I was playing differently.

Would you Frozen Blood N1 in any other situation?

I didn’t actually read back on it, I didn’t know that CRichard tried to hammer Appelsiini


I stopped a quick hammer again

Quite happy 2with that

TBE literally stopped it by unvoting a few seconds before he voted.

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I think there is a possibility that SDA’s flip could be altered… however it doesn’t make much sense to me.

i thought he was trying to end discussion early

but you know my night action

it’s moderately confirmable

What are the chances of SDA faking a claim?

It’s likely we don’t have an apostle because if we did Alice would have spoken by now

SDA died bud

They announced CRichard as obv!scum, I think the read might have been genuine.

Also Napoleon I think this pretty much confirms that something unlikely happened in this game if you look at SDA’s D1 bleed.
And then you look at Kat’s bleed.
Then compare everything we’ve talked about in Allies.

Also NK arete worlds, you kill vul