SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Yeh maybe I was a little too obvious…

Frozen Blood only has one use (although Brotherhood + Eldritch Guard is a possibility)

See, I want to lynch scum today, and I think you could probably prove your claim right here right now if you are the Apostle.

What did Alice say N2?

how about this

what did Alice and Appel say in dead chat, to the best of your memory?

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mindmeld :^)

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I can? I don’t have day abilities tho… and I;m probably dead tonight form NK or Assassin


Does that keep Arete from being converted as well?

We have Seth, Arete, offensives, and me. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, this is still a possibility.

However, given the reaction that Arete had, they suspected they were checked as K/O, and I think they did well on the RT part. They seemed genuinely confused about the result.

How would offensives confirm me though?

You can confirm yourself if you tell us what Alice and Appels said

Would an ability like that keep Arete from becoming a convert?

I have experience with both of them as players.

No, I don’t think Brotherhood does.

So tell me what they said

I don’t think I should out the info right here, I feel more comfortable doing it in Allies chat

Perhaps you need a little motivation…

/vote Intensify

I want to get this cleared up asap.

Ah well then… hmmm motivation perhaps, but like I said, I still want to do it in Allies chat, no matter what.

if there’s something in particular that you don’t want to be leaked, that’s fine, right now we just need enough information to be sure that you aren’t just making it up