SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


can you explain this, actually

My plan is to heal Anstreim every night to stop them from attack them.
That way if Arete is actual cult he will die.
If heā€™s still alive heā€™s either Unseen or NK.

IMO itā€™s an easy way to solve Areteā€™s slot.

see I have no idea what #329 is

but I donā€™t think thatā€™s inconsistent given the third sentence?

I guess maybe given the second post

TBE was also in favor of it but I think they are more likely town

I told them nah

#329 isnā€™t exactlyā€¦ your friend Arete.


See gortaā€™s perspective makes more sense from a town pov imo

i avoid using redchecks as the topic because it wastes time
actually i didnā€™t even remember you were found K/O but then i sound extremely dumb, even if i am

I should go to bed soon, but I will be here tomorrow

Well thenā€¦ that happened.

And I have info that will probably be useless again.

does your info clear anyone in the Mastermind PoE of being Mastermind

Whatā€™s the Mastermind PoE?

that depends on who you ask

Then how am I supposed to know if it clears someone in the Mastermind PoE of being Mastermind?

My main Mastermind PoE is you, katze, TBE (potentially), Anstreim (rarely), Intensify, gorta

It clears none of those of being Mastermind.

See, I TR you D1, but MM hunting is kinda making that harder.


I can confirm myself today, so yeah.