SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Yes, are you reading my posts?

@nappy (i donā€™t feel like leaving you 1000 pings, youll see this)

enact the plan in post #715 of allies chat

Why does this sound extremely sinister.

then youā€™re aware that alice is without a doubt one of the best solvers here
and is quite confident in her reads

because i am the fucking ruler now

Ok look, if this ā€œRTā€ does get me killed. You guys found Jane to be scum. So if I am lynched, that confirms another evil

i am 12 inches long

and i will bite whoever approaches me

so why would giving her the ability to share her reads after death
be a bad idea?

Ok, just give the night I need to convince Nappy and Seth and we should be all fine.

Also is Jane sitll going at it with that RT?

I can think of like 1 scenario where Alice says itā€™s a bad idea butā€¦ Iā€™m not really sure it would apply here based on the gamestate.


Iā€™m retracting the S/I check.

I wouldnā€™t have gone this far with it if I couldnā€™t mechanically confirm myself at EoD, btw.

Also, reeeee at Italy for outing the mechanical thing I lied about to make it look like letting him survive was worse than it actually is.

what happened to you being jail exed

i hate you

if you push someone for more and more details
they slip up


i still donā€™t trust intensify for shit

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I requested to be put in Allies and Jail, wdym what happened to Jail exe? If Vessel thinks I am suspicious, I am fine with being Jail exed but I am confident Vessel will believe me

i may or may not be the real vessel

@nk/assassin attack me and find out, cowards

