SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

That’s like trading 2 for 1 scum. No logical person would do that

when i say i’ll do something
i’ll damn well do it

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I mean there’s no reason to not out this.
Not to mention that I’ve already talked about this before.

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scumslip exe exe exe

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Italy, I do not believe you right now. Your course of actions pose a lot of risks to this court

I was kinda hoping he’d have claimed to occupy someone.


mode doesn’t have to heal you
it’s up to him if he wants to die for nothing
i don’t see the problem here

Nope. I have a slight tinfoil that he might’ve occupied me on N1 but he was really insistent on SFing Arete.
Which makes me think that Kat’s theory is right.

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No no no, I am very sure Mode will heal me if I was bleeding

not if he knows he’ll be occupied and attacked for it

I think he’s willing to take the gambit that you could be fake and heal me still

i’m the person who’s responsible for derps dying

And any scum bleeder could have faked that no?

any scum bleeder could nightkill mode

and then you

What if nappy guards him?

do you think he will?
seems pretty unlikely he’d guard a neutral over the outed vessel

Who is outted Vessel?


Yeh ok Italy… why would Vessel out themselves so quickly anyways, seems suspicious