SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

personal opinion: you should probably pay more attention when you’re being implicated by confirmed town




catching up from 500 posts behind

any comments on what I might want to focus on would be appreciated

oh hey speak of the devil
now we can ask mode himself if he’d heal you knowing he’d be marked and die

Well then, Kat is lying. Because I did claim in jail and it was Apostle. If I didn’t claim Apostle in jail, what did I claim Kat?

I want your thoughts on Intensify because his behavior makes zero sense to me.

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hey mode
if intensify was bleeding, would you heal him, knowing i would mark you to him, occupy you and kill you?

Do you want the normal heal tonight or do you want full night Immunity + Strongman.
Well Strongman that bypasses both Killing, Roleblocking, Redirection Ans any other immunities

Mode doesn’t know my claim yet, but once he does, I am sure he will

ah yes
“i’m apostle but alice doesn’t want me to say ANYTHING about her at all”

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You don’t have to healbot me.
I’d actually prefer if you were WIFOMing your heals between the three people I trust (Napoleon/Kat/TBE).

Also if the plan is for Cloned to redirect me, that second thing would be a complete waste – imo just save it.

Sidenote: You healed Kat last night, did you not?

oh nononono I will tell them the whole convo about Alice tonight, I will.

I mean.
Are you asking if I’d sacrifice myself?

it’s not even a sacrifice
you’d be occupied

if i bled intensify, and marked you to them
would you heal them knowing visiting them would kill you

Yeah I healed Katze.
I want to heal you tonight because your my strongest Town read.

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Look, I REALLY REALLY am incentivising you guys to give me 1 night to convince them, just 1 night. If I cannot convince them, I will be fine with being lynched.

I suppose I could instead heal TBE or Napoleon but I don’t want you to die.

you cannot talk me out of this
if you don’t claim your info right fucking now
you will be bled
and i will personally ensure that you WILL die because of it