SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Ok give me a second, I need to go do something right now, I come back in 20ish minutes

i have yet to be wrong on a read that i have actively pushed

Eh. Iā€™m not super sure I want to try that again after Appel flip.

Most of us were wrong on her and she had a few odd posts.
We need to refine our reads and decide what we are doing today ā€“ which is why Iā€™d like to hear your opinion on Cloned/Italy/Gorta.

Also, have I asked you about Arete yet? I think I havenā€™t.

Fine, Iā€™ll try in an hour or something, currently busy.

You have.

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Alright, just reply to my post again or ping me if something.

Nah, I call BS.

You hard claiming NK?

nappy is the starting king

he cannot be the NK

It was a joke.
Heā€™s Psycho King though


ive been pranked

No it was not a joke


letā€™s be honest is anyone even surprised iā€™m a killer again at this point

a killer threatening to kill the neutralā€¦

a neutral killerā€¦


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/dayvig katze
you know too much

oh fuā€“

katze has died!


Scum slip confirmed?


Anyways whatā€™s the votecount looking like right now?