SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Kat has a theory, but I have a PLAN


my theory is that MM has no convert somehow

I guess thereā€™s a world where this is possible considering some of our claims?

the only reason i think this is because i severely lack scumreads

and if mm has no converts then intensify is almost never MM because his play is hecking stupid

but like

i think i just need to do a full reeval

why do i townread all of these people

and then i can figure out who im misclearing

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I think thatā€™s the extent of my softing a check on Gaja/Vulgod.


Actually if my calculations are right then
7/14 (not counting Napoleon/MM) people were unconvertable on N1.
And then on N2 we would have

these mean nothing

these two actually might


i kind of believe it?


ā€œbleed meā€ after a S/S check is dumb makes sense, because itā€™s not an unreasonable assumption that theyā€™re a healer

and then deciding not to reveal the check after vulgard subbed in and was very very very villagery also makes sense

ugh, who the fuck is miscleared

Actually youā€™d probably be able to push it to 8 on N1 since they would never convert their kill target.
Which doesnā€™t sound too unlikely.

If Intensify isnā€™t the MM, I donā€™t think itā€™s unlikely that itā€™s TBE.

jane is probably never mm, can still be NK (arbiter/mindflayer)/convert (but a weird convert choice)

cheese isā€¦ probably never starting scum in any capacity? i donā€™t think his thought process comes from scum ever and NKā€¦ i really doubt

arete has decent NK equity but i think its very unlikely theyre MM. also a potential convert

italy is probably never NK, decent MM equity, prob never a convert because lolitaly

anstreimā€¦ i think he isnt clear of either NK/MM but i also think both are very unlikely

TBE i think is always town because of n2 allies chat, theyre a really unlikely convert on N1 cause of the neut claim but if MM missed N1 conv thereā€™s a chance?

gorta is uh, definitely not clear of anything imo

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i think i just need to make NK and MM readlists because theyre fairly different

Shouldnā€™t Gorta and Cheese claim then? Or do we wait till tommorow?

Okay, but that would mean CRich bled Derps.

Exactly why your Town.

i mean

italy coulda puppeted the bleed maybe?

hes definitely not clear imo


/Vote TheBlueElixir

TBE is not todays lynch