SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


Votee Voted By Votes Tags
Arete clonedcheese 1/6 clonedcheese, katze
Intensify Italy, Arete, TheBlueElixir 3/6 ModeShifter, Jane
katze x 0/6 TheBlueElixir, Arete
an_gorta_pratai Jane, Intensify 2/6 Intensify
lmk if i made any errors
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That seems kinda dumb, waste of a supposed ā€œday occā€


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Not if your worried there wont be any more assassins this game

confirmed neutral and jane

thats eh

Why random when I could theoretically if I was MM just day occ Vessel once they reveal instead of randoming between a couple people

these tags look juicy :sunglasses:

HH + bounty

hey intensify is Arete the NK/MM? :smirk_cat:

Yeah, gorta is just an LHF, not scoom

Hmmm Arete? Donā€™t lynch me and I tell you : )

even if I were scum (which Iā€™m not), it wouldnā€™t refresh HH since he hasnā€™t used any yet

(I know this because last game I only got Comparison back after the Italy lynch)

Like I said, donā€™t focus on me, focus on other people who could be scum tonight

no unvotes huh, looks like scum are afraidā€¦ : )


if intensify is MM then arete is NEVER the convert

if intensify is NK then arete isā€¦ never the NK, lol


Well you guys should not focus on me really, I really want town to focus on other potential scum

CRich and Intensify out here spewing everyone clear

wow gosh I wonder what class I could be thatā€™s not the NK

and not the MM

and not the convert

Hmmm also one more thing, I might be neutralā€¦

anyway guys im apostle

alice says shes actually the MM, NK, and convert, and that intensify is the 2nd apostle

and to please believe her

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Yes, because the senex is fake >_>

But surely there canā€™t be 3 neutrals right? Wellā€¦ heh