SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

If you aren’t Vessel the real one should jail and execute you tonight

And let me guess, you didn’t jail N1?


how much do you trust mechanics

hey @Vessel, if you (possibly) exist, don’t you think it would be a smarter idea to not exe me since people will think I am Vessel?

Intensify in chat rn


Nah if you aren’t Vessel you’re fucking dead

so italian man gets vibechecked is what im hearing

Ok let’s get back to the question, everyone please answer this question lol why not
Am I
a) MM
b) NK
c) Vessel


d) not lolcatting nearly good enough


Anyone who refuses to answer will be executed by me or real vessel

Kat refusing to answer ain’t good, I could be Vessel and I will for sure execute you tonight for not answering properly

This is NK.

/vote Intensify

Yes, you decide who the real vessel exes >_>

Give cat pics

I’m fine with the real Vessel yeeting this guy

I’d rather we just lynch this guy so vessal doesn’t waste an execute tbh.

No really, Seth even if I wasn’t actually Vessel, it would still be better to just have me live since scum might think I am actually Vessel and attack me… or am I really Vessel? :thinking:

if i live in the same universe that you are the vessel then please execute me so i don’t have to be alive with you

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Seth… really you should unvote me

Your NK.
End of discussion.