SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

I also don’t think he would ever propose bounty on Arete if he was N1 convert to begin with because yeah.
So this method of determining it is more or less useless.
The only two people I know for a fact cannot be converts is you (Ice Ward) and myself.

i can be N1 convert

if intensify flips MM im mechanically clear of being convert

and if intensify is lynched at L-1 regardless of his flip i am also mechanically clear of being the convert

Wait that’s right.

And yeah, this is correct as well. So the right play here is to always hang Intensify (which was already determined beforehead).

i think…

if arete is cult the optimal play is

lynch arete + pre-jail intensify

if arete flips cult and is bountied (clearing him of being N1 conv), then prejail anstreim and get intensify to L-1 (probably best to make sure both me and jane are voting, so no quickhammer shit can happen?)

if intensify lives at L-1 then quickly unvote and jail one of me and jane and HH the other

if intensify dies then anstreim is always the convert

problems with this plan:

this part is kinda fucky

intensify can still be NK and TBE can be N2 convert

this is basically assuming that the convert isn’t a LHF player which is probably bad, and that if intensify is NK that MM hit n1 convert


idk, i think theres a way to mechanically guarantee we kill two wolves today/tonight

im just trying to figure it out

i think… if someone /vote and /unvotes in the same message at L-2 then theres no danger of scum hammering at L-1

i actually think we should do this when we decide to hammer

The thing about this play is that it would require everyone to be present in the thread. I mean it’s not unimaginable but we would need the Vessel here first and foremost.

I was Ice Warded by Arete on N1 as well. The only way that would fail is if they got occupied, but even aside from that I have my own information, though I guess it doesn’t matter as much.

So it would theoretically count as hammer on the first /vote before /unvote happens, right?

in NK!Intensify worlds then you’re much less likely to be the convert

cause itd require them to miss N1 convert and then recognize that you aren’t convert immune, but that anerd ice warded you

but you could still be MM in NK!Intensify worlds :eyes:

i will attempt to find this out

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Which hopefully will be disproven tonight and double confirmed tomorrow.

im starting to think im wrong about what class you are but i suppose it doesnt matter that much because either you can confirm yourself as cult or you can’t

Also I don’t really see the reason for me to fake bleed on myself in the world where I’m MM, because:
-1. It would out the presence of my converts and incentivize people to convert hunt;
-2. It would implicate me/make me suspicious of being a convert;

Both of which would be pretty suboptimal plays.

if you don’t have a convert this would probably be very optimal though

although you not having a convert in MM!Anstreim worlds is… pretty unlikely?

this is just WIFOM

Uhh it kinda relies on the two part confirm.
Since it looks like we don’t have Fanatics.

i don’t care to speculate on claims

either you confirm yourself or you don’t :^)

I guess, but there’s a way to at least semi-confirm 2-3(?) people today.
Not to mention that we already have confirmation about one other person not being MM.
Which would probably bring more harm to me if I was scum, in case I faked the bleed.


what if you feared town leader italy

but then town leader katze

someone please take this leadership role away from me, it scares me

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I guess the first way to avoid it is to stop hyperposting :^)
But I suppose I’m partially guilty as well.

i wasnt supposed to hyperpost this game!!

but its not just my post count im actually being useful and thats the scariest part