SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

/vote Anstreim



If i make my pfp a wolf will you tunnel m,e

Btw which mod chooses the player’s classes?

…Classes are randomized.


Using dice rolls

Ah… I’m not convinced

hi aroot o/

…you rolled Vessel twice

/vote Arete

you’re on L-1 or something

Arete actually i think ids L-1 cuz dazzle now

dazzle was used on intensify


but Intensify was Dazzled and we only have one HP claim

Then i dont thin k its L-2 i missing numbers

Oh ye, btw, I have been meaning to ask, what does L-1 and L-2 mean?

L-1 is 1 vote away from lynched

L-2 is 2 votes away from being lynched

Why did you think that making this post was a good decision?

I am not going to elaborate on this but shouldn’t you of all people know better.
Are you serious.

L-(number) means that many to lynch
sorta like T-(time), meaning time to launch

shameless plug, go watch SpaceX launch rn


A man of culture :eyes:

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is it time to enact the anstreim led dictatorship