SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Well here’s the thing, if I die tonight with no logs, there’s something wrong there

The scum bled me last night (irl night) for no reason.
There’s no world where I’m getting attacked tonight because that would be extremely absurd – not that any of the bleeds in this game were great to begin with.



Votee Voted By Votes Tags
Arete ModeShifter, katze 2/6 clonedcheese, katze
Intensify Italy, Napoleon 2/6 ModeShifter, Jane
katze x 0/6 TheBlueElixir, Arete
an_gorta_pratai x 0/6 Intensify

This should apply to everyone

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Look, whatever, it doesn’t matter wether you believe I am Vessel or not right now, what matters is who cloned redirects my jailed into

people were talking about whether Intensify was the Vessel and you were like ‘I’m basically outed anyway’ which … really looked like a Vessel claim

and given that I thought you were outed I was like ‘that sucks, given how much Ans hated it the first time’

And so you decided to put your thoughts into the main thread.

okay, ill play along

in a theoretical world where you are somehow the vessel and everything you did was actually just you… doing things

my vote is to jail italy/gorta, or arete if they arent deaded today

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If scum thinks Ans is vessel, then so be it

I’m starting to think Arete is indeed getting ‘deaded’ here.
But we still need Napoleon.

yes? because the post I was responding to looked like a pretty unambiguous Vessel claim in context? like if we imagine replacing that post with ‘I, Anstreim, am the Vessel’ you presumably wouldn’t be annoyed and that’s how I was reading that post

I would rather jail Italy…

id say that arete saying that in main thread makes me think theyre probably not MM

but i also already thought they probably weren’t MM

Actually maybe let me jail Gorta

Yeah, I wouldn’t because I would never claim it in the open.
Also that whole argument is moot because we aren’t “imagining” it. I’m done talking about this, this whole day has been such a disaster.

Dont claim who you jail, cuz there is an off chance scoom will attack a jailed target

Also cloned is red.ing you anyway

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Hmmm ok well I will let cloned decide

It should probably still be within the PoE that was proposed above.

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well if Intensify is actually Vessel, they should set the jail on Cloned so that if the redirect doesn’t happen he gets jailed

and yeah, Cloned obviously redirects to someone in the PoE