SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Who do you think I have jailed right now my dude

in a theoretical world where youā€™re actually vessel, your shenanigans made me and jane waste our confirms

:sunglasses: i am definitely not bitter right now, donā€™t mind me

no one, most NKs canā€™t jail

Do you believe Areteā€™s reasoning btw?

I know you already said that they probably arenā€™t MM, but I donā€™t think many of us viewed them as the MM to begin with.

Hereā€™s the thing, have we figured why Ans was bled yet?

but youā€™re the NK

it only makes sense if they didnā€™t catch up at all and just joined the thread and skipped to the bottom imo

To kill ans

No need to thank me

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  1. the bleed is fake and ans is converted
  2. the bleed is from assassin trying to divert the healer away from somebody specific
  3. the bleed is from assassin thinking anstreim was the vessel

Iā€™d like to know the reasoning behind this genius bleed.
But the intent was probably to either draw healers off of priority targets, or to murder me.

I was reading through the thread and responded to that post when I saw it, without reading through the rest of it

Ok i was gonna say what if they thought Ans was Vessel instead of me

Then is it not still to kill ans

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Hmmmm why hasnā€™t scum bled me btw? I find that really interesting that if scum hasnā€™t bled me yet because if i claim bleeding, no one will heal me for sure

I like to think the SoD RT was p cool

But the rest of this day will be looked back on like insurgency wont it

if we jail evil they just say ā€œoh i wasnā€™t jailedā€ then intensify dies at Lylo

Also apparently cloned cannot make me target myself with jail sadlyā€¦ : (

because youā€™re not the Vessel

or because scum doesnā€™t believe youā€™re the Vessel

either way

Because, even if youā€™re real, they know youā€™re most likely only going to hurt town even more.

Clonedā€¦ is this you refusing to use your abilities?

Or scum already used their bleed?